Yes, the loopholes are many and frightening - and every step taken to 'improve' the system seems to make it more easily advantaged. I had a mate fall foul with an online site, sold a firearm and requested the mail order documentation as per the requirements. Not forthcoming... Money was there quicksmart in his account though. Mate did the right thing, refused to send the firearm until paperwork supplied to verify buyer's license - but paperwork still didn't arrive. Next step, mate gets a call from Trademe enquiring what the go was, why hadn't he completed the transaction? He patiently explained the situation, said by law he couldn't send it until the required Police mail order paperwork was supplied and if the buyer couldn't supply it he would refund the payment and cancel the auction/apply for return of the fee.
This is where it gets funky, Trademe girl starts having a go and orders the mate to complete the transaction as per Trademe's terms and conditions! Mate says 'excuse you, your terms and conditions state that all firearms auctions and sales must comply with the requirements of the Arms Act...' - which is where that argument descended into a idiot's guide to achieving not a lot. I think he contacted the Police Arms guys to let them know, and ended up finally getting bank details off the buyer to refund the payment. I'm not too sure of the finer points of the rest of how that ended, but it was as dodgy as F...
Basically, that's a long winded way of saying Trademe no longer has a customer from me mate and quite right from him to - total shit show from them and any system of theirs is a crap shoot at the best of times. I know of another guy who couldn't use trademe for a while as his licence number failed the check tool for a while. They told him he wasn't licenced, he's looking at his licence going huh? Smack me head...