Surely, the condition (a) (i) indicates that ownership is NOT an absolute right.Despite the machinations of our current government, we have the law on our side. We are guaranteed to the right to possess arms 'as allowed by law' as a part of the Bill of Rights 1688 which is the cornerstone of our legal and parliamentary system, and a part of our legislation. This right is recognised in our Arms Act in Section 24 of the Act, Issue of firearms licence
Subject to subsection (2), a firearms licencemust be issued by a member of the Police to an applicant if the member of the Police is satisfied that—
the applicant—
is of or over the age of 16 years; and
is a fit and proper person to be in possession of a firearm or an airgun; and
the applicant’s storage facilities for their firearms and ammunition have been inspected by a member of the Police and are compliant with the requirements for the secure storage of firearms and ammunition; or
if the applicant is a visitor, a member of the Police is satisfied with the arrangements made by the applicant for the storage of the firearms and ammunition they will possess while in New Zealand.. A further string to our bow is that our PM is hell-bent on preventing the 'evils' of 'Hate Speech' and is trying to pass legislationn on the subject. The UN definition of hate Speech is “any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor.”. It is interesting to compare that to the comments of various politicians and toady news media over the past 3 years when referring to firearms owners. We have to be more stringent in our demands that our rights be upheld!