For sure he needs to contact the FSA, or whatever division of police they call themselves now.
A couple of things to remember: -
(1) we all know of the consequences of police either not, or being unable to, vet a referee hence their extreme reluctance to be "caught out" again,
(2) the very recent debacle of police insisting that a recently returned service person, who was on active duty at the behest of the NZ Govt., being required to seek and obtain a reference from the regime of the country in which he was stationed; in this case Afghanistan and the Taliban,
and (3) it is, I believe, normal practice to be required to provide a police clearance from the country he recently departed (Sth. Africa) at his own cost. Police aren't interested in doing that part of the "clearance" procedure - it's down to the individual.
He was a "pest controller" in S.A.
I don't know whether or not they have a licencing regime, but if he had a S.A. licence, a clearance shouldn't be too difficult to obtain.
To use a colloquialism, police are definately "gun shy" nowadays, which doesn't and wont help his cause.