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Thread: Firearms ban in Western aussie

  1. #121
    Join Date
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    Rural TeAwamutu
    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    NZDA has a had quite a clean out in recent years and their advocacy around firearm laws has been pretty solid as of late
    Have realised the writing on the wall perhaps....?

    Sent from my SM-T225 using Tapatalk

  2. #122
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flyblown View Post
    No shit.

    If you want to be successful in this quest, then you need to tell the dispossessed to stop the anti-police ranting.

    There’s all sorts of ways that I can say that last sentence. It makes me really angry, the way the dispossessed shit in their own nest and make all of us look terrible. We all carry the can for a small minority’s inability to accept reality.

    The dispossessed have lost the room. Many, a great many, ordinary hunters no longer give a fuck about the losses of whatever minority category of sports shooter under the buy-back. This is evidenced in NZDA meetings and elsewhere. They see the anti-police rhetoric online - a constant and worsening threat - and hate it with a passion because of what it enables. Police read everything.

    Stop the anti-police rhetoric.
    What is anti police ranting? Blaming the police hierarchy that is targeting us? I suspect you come from a police state which lacks freedom of speech. Let me explain something New Zealand is (or maybe was) a country with free speech. I hope you casn understand that.

    By the way being nice to them (the police and politicians) will achieve nothing, please show me where it worked? In fact the only place that seem to have manged to keep their right to own guns so far is (most) of the US and they didn't achieve that by being nice.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    The majority are not lemmings. They actually think they are doing the right thing. As you do.
    Fair enough. What cannot be ignored however, is that they are being steered in that direction by the government and the media.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr
    It could be argued that your minority views reflect those of a lemming. Following the line that will gain you the most approval from your peer group inspite of the futility of it and the many failed strategies.
    What dross. I do not subscribe to the group-think model you seem so fond of. Remember, dead fish swim with the stream. I stand against continual erosion of my rights and freedoms. Your little chirp on the Truths thread about me liberally exercising my S14 rights - goddamn right I will exercise them. Just like S10, S11, S18 (but we aren't allowed to talk about those).

    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr
    You are correct, if there is another heinous gun crime committed public opinion will be galvanised as strong as previously or stronger against us. Get ready for it and get ready to lose - because your bloody minded and blinkered opposition wont mean a shit. Regardless of who is in power. With your approach you will be left negotiating for crumbs.
    Historically the only compromise comes from LFOs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    Fortunately in the main the people who will be lobbying on our behalves, even the most conservative of them, will be taking a more reasonable and nuanced approach so not all will be lost.
    Oh right, just like the other times, where things continually went backwards instead of maintaining the status quo.
    timattalon and outlander like this.

  4. #124
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danger Mouse View Post
    Case in point, everybody was happy to sacrifice e cat shooters to try and save themselves even thought that would never happen, and they were told it wouldn't work.

    Now you want sympathy? Now you want to stick together? No, it's a case of those next on the chopping block wanting more voices to defend them after throwing others under the bus.
    who said anyone was HAPPY TO SACRIFICE e cat shooters????????
    it was going to happen no matter what the entire shooting community did....and as flyblown has said above,a vast majority of shooting community had seen the shit going on before hand and the anti police spewing out now has been final straw in turning them off listening.
    when said eCAT USERS deliberately flouted the rules and supported importers of goods to further pervert said laws,they were shitting in the communal nest
    I shall type that out again SHITTING IN THE COMMUNAL NEST.
    thrown under bus my arse...collateral damage YES. unfortunate causulty caught in cross fire from kneejerk excuse to forfill predeterminded ajenda YES but the were not in any way thrown under bus but other firearm users.......no more than they ere after aromoana shootings saw law changes to lower magazine capacity and new endorsement category created..... the laws were there to allow these firearm types to be used in responsible manner AND VAST MAJORITY OF FOLKS DID COMPLY....but some didnt and it bit EVERYONE in the arse....and the biting is still going on.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  5. #125
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    My areas has been so well bitten that it now has a hole in it.
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    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
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  6. #126
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    it has been pointed out my above post may well be unfair...I shall amend my comment to say...... it was actions of SOME MSSA users not Ecat holders that were the issue.....the bending/breaking of rules were being encouraged by a certain retailer and had been done so for such a long time it had almost become accepted as "normal behaviour"
    shitting in communal nest.

    it is my belief that bashing police actions and threatening to carry out illegal acts is also shitting in communal nest.

    ALL people involved in firearms usage no matter what shape of form need to clean up their shit period no exceptions or all will suffer the backlash.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  7. #127
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    the anti police spewing out now has been final straw in turning them off listening
    That's quite a claim, do you have any evidence to back it up?

  8. #128
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    [QUOTE=Micky Duck;1417165]it has been pointed out my above post may well be unfair...I shall amend my comment to say...... it was actions of SOME MSSA users not Ecat holders that were the issue.....the bending/breaking of rules were being encouraged by a certain retailer and had been done so for such a long time it had almost become accepted as "normal behaviour"
    shitting in communal nest.

    it is my belief that bashing police actions and threatening to carry out illegal acts is also shitting in communal nest.

    ALL people involved in firearms usage no matter what shape of form need to clean up their shit period no exceptions or all will suffer the backlash.[/p

    Sadly @Micky Duck your last line will never be adhered to by the likes of gang members, the ones with an unknown quantity of firearms and who will never. ‘Clean up their shit’ - and laws aimed at them will affect all law abiding FAL holders as collateral damage.
    Micky Duck and outlander like this.
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  9. #129
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 300CALMAN View Post
    That's quite a claim, do you have any evidence to back it up?
    yes.many discussions with other firearms users/hunters over the last 20 years where you may be surprised to hear,I was advocating for folks to be allowed to use whatever they wanted..... plus PMs with members of this and other forums who had dropped out/off and when asked why they had..answer was always the same,they didnt want to be associated with folks spewing out anti police,anti govt stuff continually one was worried he would loose his job if continued to be member of website.

    fit n proper sort of thing.
    your FAL, your right to gamble it however you see fit...just dont expect me to see and raise you with my own.
    Howa1500 likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  10. #130
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    We all know that policing is a tough job and that there are many dedicated professionals within its ranks. However, pointing out historical facts and justified criticism of policy that comes down the pipe, is not "anti-police".

  11. #131
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    by same token pointing out that Mr so and so who held FAL and sold guns to gangs by said police is not anti general FAL user
    by pointing out that fk wit who shot up people worshipping held a fal isnt pointing finger at all FAL holders but again they/we are all caught up in cross fire
    by pointing out police didnt vet said fk wit properly and screaming they are responsible means they responded to said critisysm by making it tougher to get licence,which is what you asked them to do..... banning certain types of firearm at sametime was because its what those elected told them to do..we were caught in crossfire,innocent or not.
    the police have to try and curb/be seen to try and curb, the deviant behaviour of the few,and the many are caught in crossfire.
    keep shiting in communal nest and the sanitisation will continue.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  12. #132
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Well good luck with that philosophy. I can't see any evidence there to back up your claim in it. I would also raise you the reason for this thread being the WA gun confiscation where there is no apparent "Shitting In The Nest" involved. I think it's far more likely that there is a general reluctance to accept that there is a significant political move to remove firearms from the public at a much higher level. Interesting how it's happening in Canada also. But there you go, call me whatever you want but ultimately "being good" won't help you.
    timattalon and outlander like this.

  13. #133
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    Go look at the UK and see where going along and not making a fuss gets you.
    Especially now that we have more, and more senior Police staff from the UK.

    As pointed out above, it is not anti Police to ask them to do their job, and ask for better when they don't. Pretty much everyone who works would be living that reality.

  14. #134
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 300CALMAN View Post
    That's quite a claim, do you have any evidence to back it up?
    There probably isn't anything to back the claim up. And I doubt anti-police rhetoric has had a significant impact on their attitude in general. Apart from making them more cynical, and likely wanting to punch a few people in the chops.

    A reframe would be "people who spew anti police rhetoric because of gun issues are unlikely to be listened to or taken seriously".
    300CALMAN and Micky Duck like this.
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  15. #135
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 300CALMAN View Post
    Well good luck with that philosophy. I can't see any evidence there to back up your claim in it. I would also raise you the reason for this thread being the WA gun confiscation where there is no apparent "Shitting In The Nest" involved. I think it's far more likely that there is a general reluctance to accept that there is a significant political move to remove firearms from the public at a much higher level. Interesting how it's happening in Canada also. But there you go, call me whatever you want but ultimately "being good" won't help you.
    ummmmm heeellloooo I have typed that banning certain types of firearm at same time was because its what those that were elected told them to do....we were caught in cross fire like it or not.......
    Helen Clark signed us up to do so with UN and cinders was just following through on that.....
    call me whatever you like but ultimately "being naughty" wont help you.
    75/15/10 black powder matters



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