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Thread: Firearms Storage Inspection ....

  1. #46
    Join Date
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  2. #47
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by LyonRuge View Post
    I think you'll find the law says that if you endanger frighten or annoy any person, you will be deemed to be breaking the law. Ie, you can legally pot a cat with a 22 in your backyard, if you don't endanger, frighten or annoy anyone else, so it would depend on the circumstances, I wouldn't be walking through town with a loaded firearm, I think you'd have some pretty serious explaining to do.
    ...this is in response to the poster who claimed he could legally walk down town with a loaded gun..
    I must have missed the loaded part. Clearly walking anywhere with a loaded firearm you do not immediatly intend to destroy something with is extremely unsafe and foolish and deserves a wrist slap. If its in a public place thats probable very reasonable cause to suspend/remove the FAL. Carrying an unloaded and disabled gun in a safe manner should not cause undue alarm / stress to anyone else whos of sound and reasonable mind in IMHO. On the other hand its like fear of the boggey man, you just cant convinced the wilfully ignorant of anything to the contary they have made their mind up over. So how do we protect ourselves from the weirdos? we have to hide ourselves in quiet corners? I guess we do...is that for the best? not sure.

    So if I have my gun hidden in a large black hard case while moving in public, thats OK? inside a soft carrycase that roughly the shape of a gun, thats OK? Hidden in my car boot thats OK? yet on my shoulder with the bolt and mag clearly removed thats not OK? bit of a splitting hair case IMHO. When we see the army with their LAVs with 37mm? canons on top, thats OK? so the uniform signals we are safe?

    Now I dont want to frigthen or upset anyone, but what some ppl consider reasonable and waht others consider reasonable seems rather subjective.

    Which reminds me I need to talk to tranzmetro and ferry on what they require..........
    Wirehunt likes this.

  3. #48
    Member Eion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven View Post
    I must have missed the loaded part. Clearly walking anywhere with a loaded firearm you do not immediatly intend to destroy something with is extremely unsafe and foolish and deserves a wrist slap. If its in a public place thats probable very reasonable cause to suspend/remove the FAL. Carrying an unloaded and disabled gun in a safe manner should not cause undue alarm / stress to anyone else whos of sound and reasonable mind in IMHO. On the other hand its like fear of the boggey man, you just cant convinced the wilfully ignorant of anything to the contary they have made their mind up over. So how do we protect ourselves from the weirdos? we have to hide ourselves in quiet corners? I guess we do...is that for the best? not sure.

    So if I have my gun hidden in a large black hard case while moving in public, thats OK? inside a soft carrycase that roughly the shape of a gun, thats OK? Hidden in my car boot thats OK? yet on my shoulder with the bolt and mag clearly removed thats not OK? bit of a splitting hair case IMHO. When we see the army with their LAVs with 37mm? canons on top, thats OK? so the uniform signals we are safe?

    Now I dont want to frigthen or upset anyone, but what some ppl consider reasonable and waht others consider reasonable seems rather subjective.

    Which reminds me I need to talk to tranzmetro and ferry on what they require..........
    People accept what they know and fear what they don't, it's as simple as that.

    I'm just about to shift houses I hope that I don't have to go through all this rubbish.

  4. #49
    The Original Striker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haydendev View Post
    Brilliant cheers for that
    Bigger Better Faster Stronger
    Handle the Jandle, or get off the Beach

    The Original Striker

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiB View Post
    Well I confess all this discussion prompted me to 'tidy up' my previous everything-in-the-same-locked-cupboard system; I can now truthfully say my bolts and ammo are stored (and locked) separately to my rifles/shotties. I'm feeling almost virtuous.
    Well if he calls on me I'll send him to you!lol

  6. #51
    OCD Gravity Test Specialist kiwi39's Avatar
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    I received a response to my email from the :
    "Advisor: Firearms Licensing" attached to the Office of the Commissioner at National Police HQ

    Sounds like the right guy to talk to.

    He advised that Reg. 19 has not changed and that if my security complies to Reg. 19 then it should be accepted.

    He's seems a reasonable and approachable guy, and responds well to a straight, succinct question.


    Wirehunt and Hunt4life like this.

  7. #52
    Shootin the breeze.... Survy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiwi39 View Post
    I received a response to my email from the :
    "Advisor: Firearms Licensing" attached to the Office of the Commissioner at National Police HQ

    Sounds like the right guy to talk to.

    He advised that Reg. 19 has not changed and that if my security complies to Reg. 19 then it should be accepted.

    He's seems a reasonable and approachable guy, and responds well to a straight, succinct question.


    Good to hear Tim.
    Grouchy Smurf had it right all along...

  8. #53
    Member Hunt4life's Avatar
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    I don't understand why some ppl posting are so combative toward either/both police AO's and society who are fearful of guns.
    Eg. A 50yo city dweller who's never been exposed to firearms, but watches the tv news, wouldn't be able to tell if any gun was loaded or not. But she'd most likely be shocked, alarmed & fearful if she saw a bloke walking down the road with a rifle in his hands or even on his shoulder. She may even contact the police immediately. Why would we persecute her for reacting that way? I suggest only guys 'wanting' to shock and cause fear would carry an uncovered firearm in a public place.

    Regarding police and weapon storage: I think the guts of the original post by Tim and the outcome he eventually was able to share is positive (albeit predictable). However, some ppl seem determined to argue for their right to store firearms in an easily accessible and shootable state! Why?! What's not to understand about your/our obligation to society to at least provide as much deterrent and hindrance to any firearm thief or child (!) who happens upon our hunting gear? Owning and using firearms is a privilege I'm proud of in NZ and I wish our gun laws and licensing controls were a lot more strict than they currently are.

    Don't even get me started on Tactical weapons and semi-auto centre fire rifles!

    My guns are stored in a locked cabinet with bolts and ammo stored in a different part of the house (not under lock and key) but hidden. If anyone stole my cabinet, good luck getting replacement bolts without big questions being raised.
    Savage1 likes this.

  9. #54
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    What about semi auto rimfire rifles?

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiwi39 View Post
    So we moved house a couple of months ago, and notified the Police as you're supposed to.

    Letter arrives shortly thereafter saying they're going to reinspect my firearms storage.

    When the officer gets here and inspects, she tells me that the storage has to have three seperate lockable storage spaces.
    1) For the Arms
    2) for the ammunition
    3) for the bolts.

    I had her up on this - asking if this is something that has changed, as my safe passed inspection the first time.

    She says no, its always been like this ...

    The joke is , she give me a copy of the arms code .. NO REQUIREMENT in there .. only that arms are stored seperately to the bolt + Ammo

    Opinions ?
    1) How do you store yours ?
    2) Whats the word of law ?

    This whole arms act being open to interpretation is just a complete joke.

    ... Tim.
    Get a holder that fits to the side of your bed, in the states the public are buying 2 , one for each side of the bed, so mum and dad both have a shotgun available for home defence, wonder if they store ammo separately? crazy anyway
    I have a small safe inside my gun safe for bolt and bullets, is this okay?

  11. #56
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    It was when i got my safe

    Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    eg, There is nothing in law that says you can't walk through town holding a loaded and actioned rifle in your hands in plain sight if you are on your way to go shoot tin cans at a mates place, but it isn't something a fit and proper person would do. A fit and proper person would at least have it unloaded and in a bag.
    Yes there is. Carry on reading.
    However, you can carry an unloaded gun.

  13. #58
    Member Hunt4life's Avatar
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    It's simple for me really gimp... No-one needs them. I do understand the desire to shoot them for fun (& have done so myself while touring Vietnam and Cambodia... AK47s are awesome fun!). But no 'individual' should have any right to keep them at home in NZ. I think a few select contract helicopter culling operators should be able to argue their case for ownership, but I still maintain... No one NEEDS them, and only military forces should (IMO) have access to them.
    As for rimfire SAs Beavis... Again, unnecessary for 'hunting' and in practise, they teach bad habits anyway. This isn't about me and the moral high ground, but I started out with a BSA single shot opn sighted .22. Every shot counted and I learned real quick that if I couldn't achieve a one shot kill (head), don't take the shot. So when it came time to get a more sporty rifle with a magazine, I bought a ten shot bolt action and learned to work the bolt quickly when needed for multiple animals. One day I took all five hares in a family bunch before the last made it to the safety of the scrub. So, as said above, if you're any good at shooting, you don't need a semi auto (shotguns for game birds excluded)

    Identify your target beyond all doubt! Sorry won't cut it later and no deer is worth the fall out. Safe and happy hunting

  14. #59
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    There are a lot of things people don't "need". Fast food, cars capable of over 300km/h etc etc.
    Spudattack and steven like this.

  15. #60
    Numzane Spudattack's Avatar
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    Its a bit of a slippery slope this one and probably the wrong thread for it, yes I understand your reasoning that nobody NEEDS one, but why should that mean that they should not be allowed to own one if they want to?
    I personally am not a fan of semi auto or military rifles and do not own one nor do I have any desire to purely as they are not of interest to me, even for gamebird shooting I use a side by side and an under/over, but each to his own, why should my personal preference restrict others owning something that they are interested in?
    Its a bit like saying we should govern all motor vehicles to 100km/h because that is as fast as they need to go. So what then if I want to take my superbike to a track and do 300km/h? Because its not everyone's idea of fun should we all be controlled by this?
    veitnamcam, R93, Ryan and 1 others like this.
    "Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."



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