A hunting buddy and myself were chasing Wallabies in Fallow Deer country. One up the spout/safety on/muzzle in safe direction (carrying patrol ready)/Snot hook OFF bang switch ... when we came to a fence with no gate for miles (or kilometres for that matter!)
Removed magazines/cleared actions and checked empty chamber sliding MSSAs under fence with actions open being careful not to touch each others endorsed firearms !! Climbed through fence and bent down to retrieve cleared firearm ... and a Fallow Deer jumped up out of the Tussock less than 50 yards away ... Just stood there looking at each other as our safety concious behaviour left us with firearms not yet reloaded. We did laugh about it later and did not do anything different at the next fence - except the one not going through the fence remained cocked and locked till the other was through and loaded before clearing and following.
So I guess that is how it is done but if by yourself just clear and miss the shot!