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Thread: Geuss Who? Phillip Alpers Chimes In

  1. #16
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    last time i brought stolen goods from the local thieving mongrel.... the serial numbers were long gone.

    mr alpers please kiss my arse.

    simple fuck.
    Use enough gun

  2. #17
    Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    This is a weak and easily defeated argument, registration isn't about getting back the firearms that're already in criminal hands, it's about deterring the flow of firearms from a LFAO to unlicenced people by being able to trace them and to be able to trace stolen firearms back to a crime and possibly lead to charges in the justice system.
    What about the non-compliance rate and the massive cost that has almost zero benefit to society like what happened in Canada?

    That would be my main argument as to why registration is a waste of time, therefore it strengthens a case for it being much more then that when gun registration is pushed by the MSM, police and policy makers. They simply ignore these very facts of it being a pointless waste of time and a huge financial burden to an already under re-sourced, under-funded govt organisation.

    Why do these people push for something that has such little effect in stopping criminals getting firearms unlawfully, you have to ask yourself that question.

    ...So registration is the first step. Now that the vast majority are registered, we can do what we will. One good first step would be to close the registry to new registrations. This would, in effect, prevent new guns from being made or imported. This would put the murder machine corporations out of business for good, and cut the money supply to the NRA/GOA. As money dries up, the political capital needed for new controls will be greatly reduced...

    ...A national Firearms Owner Identification Card might be good, but I'm not sure if it's necessary if we have a national database. We should also insist on comprehensive insurance and mandatory gun safes, subject to random, spot checks by local and federal law enforcement.

    We must make guns expensive and unpopular, just like cigarettes. A nationwide, antigun campaign paid for by a per gun yearly tax paid by owners, dealers, and manufacturers would work well in this regard. We should also segway into an anti-hunting campaign, like those in the UK. By making hunting expensive and unpopular, we can make the transition to a gun free society much less of a headache for us...

  3. #18
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    Alpers argument is flawed.
    I'd estimate there is a shooting in Australia on around a weekly basis in my experience.
    The one thing I notice most, is it is more or less confined to conflicts relating to organised crime, particularly in the western suburbs of Sydney.
    Their firearm legislation has had far less, to no effect on gun crime committed in Australia than it should be given credit for.
    Pengy likes this.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidney View Post
    Actually its a legitimate argument. The reality is that people who already don't comply with the law are not going to comply with new ones.

    We can assume that whatever the supply chain might be presently, criminals will simply modify the means they need to obtain what they require if they need to. And it is not established that legitimate owners are that supply chain in the first place, in any more that in isloated situations. The recent enquiry failed to even attempt to establish that, concentrating on what they saw as solutions for an issue not even established... like this one, that only has a material effect on the legal firearms community.

    The argument for registration on the other hand is a ludicous argument that somehow the start of a registration system will somehow encapsulate all the existing firearms in the system along with all new firearms, thus having a material deterent effect on the possibility that legitimate legal owners will then be detered from passing ownership to illegitimate criminals.

    I consider this generational stupidity, the previous manual sustem was abandoned for inaccuracy, cost and a lack of trust by those attempting to enforce the process for benefit. When that occurs these create more harm than benefit, which was why it was given away in the first place. This knowledge appears lost on the terminally stupid advocates who somehow cannot grasp that they will not be even statistically likely to provide any registration system with more than about a 50% accuracy level if they attempted, at huge cost and for no actual benefit.

    Do you think the criminals worry about a gun registration system... ? The are the ones the advocates are actually tying to effect aren't they..?

    Pardon my cynicism... but the fools in this discussion are those that think that is the aim. The anti gun lobby see registration as a means of control of the legitimate gun owners, which is where much of this comes from. The police policy people are either fooling themselves are are taking a very long term view for the same reasons.

    In so far as illegitimate firearms are concerned, the worst thing that the police could do is to initiate registration or to promote it. They don't actually appear very capable of working that out yet do they?
    Thank you Sidney.

    I would hasten to add: what gun crime has been solved by the use of registration? The Takanini MSSA's that were recovered - has being able to trace these back to the original owner helped? How long do you think a firearm maintains it's serial number after theft? Does knowing it has been stolen actually help solve the crime?
    Seriously - the anti-rhetoric would benefit from working with some of the most vetted people in the country.
    It is a cliche now, and exceptionally obvious but some (and the media in particular) fail to grasp this: criminals are the problem...

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    This is a weak and easily defeated argument, registration isn't about getting back the firearms that're already in criminal hands, it's about deterring the flow of firearms from a LFAO to unlicenced people by being able to trace them and to be able to trace stolen firearms back to a crime and possibly lead to charges in the justice system.

    I'm not for or against registration, but trying these strawman arguments doesn't help your cause.
    I am going out on a limb here with a couple of points so please read ALL of the comment.

    Registration is potentially a good idea, however, there is a limit to how much money we can spend as a country and the government coffers are not bottomless. As such, the money spent on registration, in my view would be far more beneficial to be spent where it will make a bigger difference. Things like more police and resources to pursue criminals etc and reduce crime. Registration also has the down side that it will be as open to corruption and errors as all of our current system. It will only take ONE accidental attachment of the list to an email and a shopping list for all to see is available. This wont happen they say, neither will a mass email drop of beneficiary's and medical details to incorrect recipients...Neither will this tech stop teachers being paid correctly.....

    As for charges and punishment in the system- even if we catch a criminal with a home made pistol, loaded and on his person when searched, WITH drug paraphenalia AND another home made rifle and ammunition what to the judicary do....? Home detention for a tattooist who WORKS at home and admits being paid in drugs....!!!! That needs fixing well before we go down the registration path.

    I simply feel that there are better ways to deal with these issues with the resources we have as a country than registration will ever manage. And that those pushing for registration (Alpers, Cahill, and O'Conner) are only appealing to those who know as little as they do about the truth. Or worse, that they know truthfully how ineffective it will be and are pushing it anyway for their own agendas.
    gadgetman, stingray, Pengy and 4 others like this.

  6. #21
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    he mentions suicide, and something along the lines of 'guns in houses are likely to be used for suicide'
    So... if there is no gun in the house and somebody feels like doing a selfie.... what, no suicide?
    pills, blades, ropes, cliffs, etc etc etc.

    does anyone have the phillips email address?
    Use enough gun

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40mm View Post
    he mentions suicide, and something along the lines of 'guns in houses are likely to be used for suicide'
    So... if there is no gun in the house and somebody feels like doing a selfie.... what, no suicide?
    pills, blades, ropes, cliffs, etc etc etc.

    does anyone have the phillips email address?
    Like I said, He is either a complete numpty who has no idea what he is talking about or he knows exactly what he his talking about and is intentionally selling this crap to who ever will listen knowing that it is complete drivel, for his own personal gain. I am not sure which is worse.

  8. #23
    Member norsk's Avatar
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    Phillip Alpers know's exactly what he is doing.Promoting himself with a cause that payes well and keeping himself in the limelight.

    Flogging a Dead Horse matters not to him,the former superstar of a consumer rights program and advocate of very cheap Suits.

    Registration does not work to prevent crime,anymore than car registration prevents Bank Robberies.After all,your not going to do a Bank in your own car...
    mikee and timattalon like this.
    "Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"

  9. #24
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Alpers-a few historics
    A former TV"fairgo "reporter.rose to fame as former alliance disarmaments minster Matt Robsons(in era of herr clucks ,jimmy anderton labour govt)appointment to go to UN convention on disarmamentt. previous to this had been in USA working as ?orderly in a veterans hosptial ,after which had some role in a sanfransisco AIDS hospital.
    That UN convention was notorious for its outcome
    put simply
    half the participants apparently were waiting for coffee &scones ,the other half werent sure why they were there and what they were waiting for and finally as often happens in these high faluting talkfests a two paragraph statement was issued at its conclusion saying they'd agreed on nothing!!!!!!

    NOW ginga alpers gets himself attached to some social studies dept at an aussie varsityas?an associate professor.Him and a comrade produce for wee Mattys consumption a so called study on NZfirearms ownership incorporating all sorts of dubious data from the warring nations of polynesia-Solomons Timor etc etc
    wait for it it gets better-whilst Matty claps his wee paws with joy as he gets set to control these firearms owners in NZ(terrible beasts they are!!!!!!!!!)in steps prof Gary Mauser of Simon Fraser university ,British Columbia Canada.now the Prof is the real deal ,regarded worldwide as top echelon on the firearms issue.
    He peer reviews the Alpers&co study and announces its a load of tripe with not only massive defects in the quality of data gathered but also the interpretation of that data and the modus operandi of the two academics who participated.IIRC he also treated another one of theirs to another peer review autopsy -no prizes for his conclusions
    I had a simlar experience where a colleague showed me an article"antigun"sourced from a tasmanian gerontology nursing academic writing in an NZNO magazine,round about the time old johny howard (little aussie 4eyes PM)curried favour with his guns buy up post port arthur.
    this wench quoted Alpers at length,so I"ghost wrote a short reply pointing out how bloody ridiculous her rant was ,ill informed ,what bloody expertise did she actually have in this field ,and so on and also givin NZNO editorial a spray as well.the letter never got published altho a couple of milder ones in a similar vein did.
    Anyhow sorry for going off on a tangent,but there is a few facts about buddy Alpers(coincidentally he looks like adam savage ,the ginga on" Mythbusters")
    google Gary Mauser -hes bloody interesting to read on this issue,as is another female aussie academic whose name escapes me presently(????Dr Linda),but is a pain in the arse to the aussie ant gun establishment.
    chainsaw likes this.

  10. #25
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Me again-just thinkinwhilst makin a coffee .i attended a presentation by a forensic psychiatrist yesterday on her particular field which ive dabbled in over the last decade.her comments were interesting especially on the emergence of neuroscientific research on aspects of criminal behaviour in commission of crimes and legal beagles apparent willingness to use this in a defence argument.
    Ina nutshell it proposes certain chemical arrangements/pathways within the human brain may have major influence on the way we think and act on those thoughts.
    now transposing that to illegal gun ownership-how the hell does enacting endless legal acts provide an effective answer????
    chainsaw likes this.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    Alpers-a few historics
    A former TV"fairgo "reporter.rose to fame as former alliance disarmaments minster Matt Robsons(in era of herr clucks ,jimmy anderton labour govt)appointment to go to UN convention on disarmamentt. previous to this had been in USA working as ?orderly in a veterans hosptial ,after which had some role in a sanfransisco AIDS hospital.
    That UN convention was notorious for its outcome
    put simply
    half the participants apparently were waiting for coffee &scones ,the other half werent sure why they were there and what they were waiting for and finally as often happens in these high faluting talkfests a two paragraph statement was issued at its conclusion saying they'd agreed on nothing!!!!!!

    NOW ginga alpers gets himself attached to some social studies dept at an aussie varsityas?an associate professor.Him and a comrade produce for wee Mattys consumption a so called study on NZfirearms ownership incorporating all sorts of dubious data from the warring nations of polynesia-Solomons Timor etc etc
    wait for it it gets better-whilst Matty claps his wee paws with joy as he gets set to control these firearms owners in NZ(terrible beasts they are!!!!!!!!!)in steps prof Gary Mauser of Simon Fraser university ,British Columbia Canada.now the Prof is the real deal ,regarded worldwide as top echelon on the firearms issue.
    He peer reviews the Alpers&co study and announces its a load of tripe with not only massive defects in the quality of data gathered but also the interpretation of that data and the modus operandi of the two academics who participated.IIRC he also treated another one of theirs to another peer review autopsy -no prizes for his conclusions
    I had a simlar experience where a colleague showed me an article"antigun"sourced from a tasmanian gerontology nursing academic writing in an NZNO magazine,round about the time old johny howard (little aussie 4eyes PM)curried favour with his guns buy up post port arthur.
    this wench quoted Alpers at length,so I"ghost wrote a short reply pointing out how bloody ridiculous her rant was ,ill informed ,what bloody expertise did she actually have in this field ,and so on and also givin NZNO editorial a spray as well.the letter never got published altho a couple of milder ones in a similar vein did.
    Anyhow sorry for going off on a tangent,but there is a few facts about buddy Alpers(coincidentally he looks like adam savage ,the ginga on" Mythbusters")
    google Gary Mauser -hes bloody interesting to read on this issue,as is another female aussie academic whose name escapes me presently(????Dr Linda),but is a pain in the arse to the aussie ant gun establishment.
    Could you re-type that with some proper spelling, grammar and punctuation so it can be understood?

    Nobody wants to try to read a 10 year old's ramblings.

    Not to mention using infantile slurs like ginga, wench and little aussie 4eyes, just makes you look as childish as your writing does.
    6x47 likes this.

  12. #27
    Gone but not forgotten Gapped axe's Avatar
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    oh dear here we go again
    "ars longa, vita brevis"

  13. #28
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    Systolic old son - read the intent!
    If I want an English punctuation lesson, I'll go back to school.
    Although scoring 95% in UE English 50 years ago, I understood exactly what kotuku was trying to say.
    Don't we all indulge in a little name calling when we get angry about something/someone - child or adult?
    Get off your PC bike mate!
    gadgetman, stingray, rewd and 1 others like this.

  14. #29
    R93 is offline
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    I want to read it. It is his way. He can type how he wants. Mods will take care of any infractions.

    If it was perfect as on occasion it has been close.
    I just assume the old bugger was drunk or he has someone hacking his account.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    Pointer and chainsaw like this.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  15. #30
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    Could you re-type that with some proper spelling, grammar and punctuation so it can be understood?

    Nobody wants to try to read a 10 year old's ramblings.

    Not to mention using infantile slurs like ginga, wench and little aussie 4eyes, just makes you look as childish as your writing does.
    I think that was one of his more lucid posts. Easy to undertand and not nearly as colourful as normal. Maybe Kotuku's account has been hacked?



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