Even the taliban were displaying better trigger control than that
A friend ended up on 23 hrs and 59 minutes curfew a few years ago after he shagged a cops Mrs and got charged with something he didn't do.
Anyway he cracked with the police visits every morning at 5 am. Funny bastard didnt resort to violence but 'stropped himself up' and answered the door each morning naked with a hard on and " Is there something I can do for you officer"?
Haha that’s a better way of doing it Moa
Reminds me of the old joke ..... "if i called you a prick, would you hold it against me ?"
Cahill claims that Police officers receive a weeks firearms training whilst on Basic training, and then 7 and a half days firearms training a year, but until recently it was only 4 days.
But TWO different Police Officers I had good discussions with down at the Wellington protest said they received only 2 x half days on the range annually. And they were both manning rural stations, so were more likely to come into contact with firearms (other than South Auckland!).
There is so much wrong with that article that it's hard to know where to start. Pretty pathetic journalism.
not something that should really happen aye but it does and is appalling and there lack of training goes so far that if the cops train on your range your insurance premium goes up as they are the ones who cause the most safety accidents. they need to learn to train train train and then train some more otherwise they aint gonna get better
And this am, 5 am to be precise and for 30 mins. We had motorcycle revving their asses off around Bethlehem in Tauranga, every morning there an arsehole that go thru Bethlehem and down the motorway to the Mount. When walking, I’ve actually seen a cop waiting and watching him go thru, I told him this happens every day. He closed the car door and drove away? Who’s in control, more and more I’m thinking the gangs.
Boom, cough,cough,cough