tl;dr Would eight 10mm x 60mm AnkaScrews into concrete be sufficient for a 3-gun safe?
Standard question from a newbie. I've read the FSA guide (but not the legislation)
I'm securing a small 1.45m high 3-gun safe to the concrete foundations in the under-garage (side and back). The concrete is absolutely solid. I've no building plans (old house), so am not sure where the damp-proof course is (or anything else I might not want to hit). There is rebar.
I'll also likely be replacing the safe with a bigger 6mm one later, and would like to be easily able to remove/hide the fittings and make good.
The safe comes with 6 expansion bolts (4 base, 2 back) 70mm deep, 7mm wide. So they comply with the basic regs, but I'd rather not use expansion bolts as they'll make a huge mess when I remove them later.
I quite liked the idea of lots of inset drop-in anchors that I could then just fill over when I change the safe, but they tend to only have 20-25mm engagement with the thread. No matter how good they are in practice, I imagine many inspectors will fail them because of the 50mm engagement guidance.
I'd like to use Ramset 10 x 60mm AnkaScrews (galvanised), as they're easy and clean to remove (if you have access to the inside of the case). 54mm of thread, so that should be enough, and reduces the risk of hitting rebar/damp membrane. 4 in the base, and I'll drill a couple of extra holes in the case and put 4 in the back.
Pass? Fail? I've seen someone who knows what he's talking about from a building/engineering point of view recommend them on this forum, but not whether the inspector is likely to approve.