Bad news, Pete, hope they can recover your gear....
Bad news, Pete, hope they can recover your gear....
While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Terrible feeling, having unwanted visitors
Sorry to hear Pete but thanks for sharing, for the better of the rest of us! I can tell you today is the last day that my spare keys will live anywhere in this house!!! Does anyone have any suggested providers for insurance on a firearm?
She loves the free fresh wind in her hair; Life without care. She's broke but it's oke; that's why the lady is a tramp.
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
NEVER LEAVE ANY SPARE KEYS AT YOUR OWN HOUSE. EVER. Whether it's safe, car or anything.
Would be interested to hear experiences of insurance companies though, mine's up for re-newel soon and like changing banks, insurance companies rely on people not changing companies because they're not getting the best deal.
I used State when I came here, never again what a mess they made of the car. AMI have been fair to deal with but I think Ive had all of a glass claim and a small scratch in 15years.
I ring around most years for quotes. The thing thats going to bite is the increase is EQ levy. The other one is the insurance companies are moving to a fixed amount on the house rather than replacement value. This means you have to get your house assessed for value every so often to make sure the sum assured is right, thats all your responsibility. Bummer of course is that in Chch builders are charging a premium, hence inflating the cost which would only occur in a major event. My one is due in the spring, have to make sure its valued right at that time.
"I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"
nothin but arseholes -my bloody guncabinet keys travel with me permanently,and noone .noone goes near it without my express permission and my ugly face within biting distance.ive a few shifty neighbours in this street ,but word soon gets round dont fuck with..... or go near the place.
Great neighbours who will challenge you if you walk up our drive.Had a few burgs go down.last one was a night job-we called the lads in blue -who had great delight in rounding the fuckers upaided by our statements in person..their scummy car was left unlocked in the street.when some of their bitches arrived to pick it up;oh dear no stereo etc etc and a loverly sign (courtesy yours truly)"aint karma a bitch,the deprived struck back"apparently coppers had a chuckle too.
my gun details are on here but also onpaper elsewhere ,plus a copy with AO for preciselt these reasons.
Itrust no person i dont know these days,and make sure my layers of security are plainly visible to deter thoughts.
No intention of starting a shitfight here and no need for it to go that way as this thread is all about theft, would firearm registration help when making an insurance claim?
I don't think I have receipts for any of mine. Took some photos a while back and put the serial numbers somewhere![]()
Were are you going to register them? I asked the police when I got my FAL if they wanted my serial numbers and they informed me NZ does not register firearms. I was like oh ok so I took photo's and sent to my insurance company even though they didnt want them either I insisted.
The Police said they didnt have the resources to maintain a register.
Im with FMG and they are sweet as for my needs. Never had an issue with the 3-4 claims I have made.
Thanks guys. I will be chatting with my go-to-man for all the 'adult' problems (cheers ebf for being my grown-up guru) about all the ins and outs of insuring firearms....but, black beauty was birthed from the depths of a black, dark, giving uterus, fertilized with the seed of many keen hunters and do I get a reciept for that???
She loves the free fresh wind in her hair; Life without care. She's broke but it's oke; that's why the lady is a tramp.
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
I am very sorry to read this P38 and can empathise with you having been a victim of several (armed) robberies myself - one of the reasons why I left S.A. The overwhelming feeling that I always have is rage... pure, unbridled rage - particularly as a lot of the stuff taken was of no monetary value (e.g. the bullet that wounded my great-grandather on his first day at the front in WW I) but as EBF says, the feeling it does subside eventually and the good thing is that they weren't able to access your firearms.
I'm not sure if it's any help to you but I have a SNAP profile which saves details of all of my possessions in a secure, online repository.
I hope it all comes out in the wash with your insurance company.
just checked the website.
we should all be using it
NOBODY IS PERFECT - but if you're from Yorkshire you're pretty close
The above was written slowly, for those of us who can't read quickly.
its the principle -you work your arse off &go with out to buy these possessions ,then some jumped up self entitled arsehole comes along and helps themselves with neer a whiff of guilt in the air.then insurance companies who love you to pay your fat premiums on the dot ,find a thousand &one reasons why they shouldnt honour their end of the bargain.
anyone in shakey city will be very au fait with insurance &govt reticence with cash.try dealing with the problem yourself and you end up before the beak for"anti social acts",usually the same beek who gave the original prick another dose of community service or a limpwristed pat on the arse.