We had an awesome alarm system. He was our neighbour next door on a sickness benefit after a botched knee replacement op. Unfortunately he passed away about 6years ago
A great way to backup your insurance pictures is to sign up to dropbox or google drive and store you pictures on there. I keep 1 picture of the whole firearm and one of the serial no.
I have my birth date on here?
Reads like one of those star sign things
Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Good news!
The Boys in Blue have matched the finger prints taken from my house to an individual that is very well know to them ........... and more importantly is also now known to me
I also have several pictures of him and his mate ..... I love todays Technology.
The two individuals I found in my driveway have been picked up and are connected to the individual identified through fingerprints.
It's good to see my tax payer dollars at work like this.
Our Police have done a very fine job with this investigation.
Yes I have taken several precautions todate and I'm confident these crims will not be getting any of my firearms.
Further developments are imminent and I'll post the results once they have occured.
Suffice to say someone else is about to have a bad day as a result of these break ins and burgulary by the looks and this time it wont be Me!
Thanks again for your kind comments and support.
That is a brilliant result Pete. I hope the judge throws them in the brig for a long time.
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
Hot Shit P38! Thats great to hear. Hope they give the f_ckers a real hard time.
Hunting is not a hobby.....its an addiction
Yay consequences!
Lets hope the stirling efforts of our boys (and girls) in blue are not compromised by some bleeding-heart Justice system that feels sorry for them and believes these thieves are the victims!
Make sure your Victim Impact statement fo the Court is detailed, well written and emotive. Choose your words for the maximum impact. Remember that the media will be present in Court - they tune in to a well-written 'sound-bite'.
Personally I think they had it right in the middle ages - amputation of an offender's hand tended to inhibit their style.
NOBODY IS PERFECT - but if you're from Yorkshire you're pretty close
The above was written slowly, for those of us who can't read quickly.
Great news Pete, hope your 'stuff' is recovered or you are compensated by insurance,....beef up your security though.....
While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
ripper news Pete.lets just hope the beak puts the wee misaligned doses of DNAs bollocks in a big vice and we can all turn the handle.no doubt legal repsresntation will be at taxpayers expense too.
The latest update to this story.
A week ago we had our home violated by some low life scum who think that they can steal what they want, when they want and from who ever they want.
As a result we had a pretty bad day coming home to a burglary, a trashed house and home and some of our posessions stolen.
Today, exactly a week to the day, the main perpatrator of this crime is having a Bad Day of his own, curtiosy of the NZ Police.
They arrested his sorry arse this morning and he is currently enjoying the friendly environs of a police holding cell.
This time his house and home got turned over and lots more posessions that do not belong to him were discovered, unfortunately none of it belonged to us.
As a result of this his bad day seems to be getting worse by the minute. He is now facing several more charges of Burgulary.
And the investigations are continuing.
This news made my Day I can tell you.
The Police have done some very good work to secure this arrest and are working hard to solve more crimes committed by this arsewipe, lets hope the Judge backs them now and send him off to prison.
I'll update this thread if there is anymore news.
Thanks again for your kind comments and support