The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017
I gotta say, reading that stuffed article,that fella did alright by his mate. Kept him alive, was a serious shit shot, but did the right stuff and did not shy away from the po and courts after the fact. I would almost lay money that he's not in the dorkstalkers too.
The best camouflage pattern is 'hold still and be quiet. '
Shit that he shot his mate and both of them did stuff wrong...a lot of accidents(in the workplace for example) are a case of many small errors finally aligning into one big accident.
At least after the fact he kept his mate alive and didnt hide/bullshit the courts, that deserves some Kudos at least but a charge is a charge.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
The two things I took from that.
They said he wasn't wearing blaze orange. So?
His mate took it pretty well. I would be pretty pissed if my mate shot me. It must have been a .243
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
I bet he won't be teachin him any wee tips to shoot better anyways
The best camouflage pattern is 'hold still and be quiet. '
Anyone else find the "victim at fault" part of the article a bit worrying ?
Could just aseasily have been another hunter (not in his hunting party) or tramper this guy shot. Sure, his mate wandered back into the wrong area, but ultimately the shooter chose to fire at something that was not properly identified.
Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute
Exactly right @ebf.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
He should have said he had a promising rugby career
Players who have avoided convictions
May 2015 - Blues player George Moala escapes conviction for his part in a boozy late-night brawl. Moala and his brother were jointly charged with assault with intent to cause injury and common assault following a fight which left a man in hospital. Judge Rob Ronayne found the impact of a conviction on Moala and the possibility he could lose his career outweighed the severity of the crime.
January 2015 - Blues player Tevita Li is discharged without conviction for driving with excess blood alcohol. The test revealed he had a reading of 45 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood. Judge Andree Wiltens said Li had a "stellar" career that could lead to a place in the All Blacks, and a conviction could jeopardise that.
December 2014 - Dunedin rep rugby player Riley Tane McDowall avoids conviction after breaking a man's jaw. Judge Kevin Phillips said a conviction would end any possibility of a professional rugby career.
August 2014 - Rising netball star Sheridan Te Aorere Bignall is granted a discharge without conviction for defrauding StudyLink of $891 in allowance money she was not entitled to. Her lawyer successfully argued there was a realistic chance she could be asked to represent New Zealand overseas in the future and a dishonesty conviction would make it difficult to enter other countries.
August 2011 - Cancer-stricken former Blues player Kurtis Haiu is discharged without conviction after pleading guilty to possessing an offensive weapon and assaulting a property developer. Judge Gerard Winter said he was a role model in rugby, his battle with bone cancer and in accepting responsibility for his actions.
May 2010 - Young Waikato rugby player Bampino Vaa Mulipola is discharged without conviction on charges relating to an incident in which he cut another man's hand with a machete. Judge Melanie Harland said it was "a very narrow call" but a conviction would have real consequences to his potential rugby career.
December 2004 - An All Black receives a discharge without conviction after pleading guilty to assaulting his wife. He is granted permanent name suppression.
The Marlborough Express
Well I don't know about you sneeze but I think that's a load of shit, rugby player or not, they did the crime, they should do the fucking time
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Dont waste your time chasing every last fps, it doesnt matter in the real world, it wont make a difference, all it will do is cause head aches and frustrations. And dont listen to silly old cunts
nothing like a simple emotive response aye..
if you think about a proportional penalty for the seriousness of the offending... maybe a promising rugby player would be paying a bigger price to have the same penalty as a no name? Maybe the attention and reputational loss is a penalty that a no name does pay at all? Maybe it's not about getting away with anything?
So just maybe that attitude just smacks of envy without thought? I mean you don't buy the role model bullshit do you?
If you wreck the guys career options, is he more or less likely to be a future problem? - have a wee think about that.. if we spank them without consideration to these sort of issues, whose fault is it if they completely derail and create future havoc?
People with a lot more to lose should behave better you might think, but think about the people involved in physical, confrontational, competitive sport - these people were the warriors, the hunters, the fighters in a less plastic reality. Its no surprise they pop outside the bubble every so often.
Maybe its better to put them back into it while their testosterone is running rampant rather than to try and extract a pound of flesh just to make you feel better..?
Maybe judges know more about this stuff than you do?
Or maybe just don't break the law, or expect to be held as accountable as anyone else
And not any more than anyone else.... precisely the point
Must be a rugby player.....I wasn't agreeing with you.
If your career involves the probability of overseas travel then you know the risk you take if you choose to break the law,
Breaking the law is a choice not an accident, it doesn't matter if your a rugby player, CEO or a night packer if you break the law thats on you.
If the consequences are greater because of your career well guess what that's also on you.
Entitlement thats all it is expecting to be let off with a lighter penalty because of who you are or what you do.
If I committed that crime I would be charged
The fact that I have a young family, am a 1/4 buisness owner who will need to lend to buy out the rest of my buisness and also lend to buy land/ build a workshop witch could all be a no go if I had criminal conviction WOULD NOT BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION
What is more important? A young man with no family making a living playing sport or a young man with a family who's trying to set himself up for a better life
You could argue both men are doing the hard yards
But could you argue that they should be treated different?
I think not
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Dont waste your time chasing every last fps, it doesnt matter in the real world, it wont make a difference, all it will do is cause head aches and frustrations. And dont listen to silly old cunts