Originally Posted by
Not even close.... that would require the majority of outcomes to be inappropriate, and all you lot are talking about is the headlines, statistical outliers, or your own personal experiences which are hardly statistically reliable and certainly not both sides of any story.
It's no surprise to me that public perspective is distorted, all you know is bad news and no one reports on what functions well. The reality is that on the whole we are well served by the system that we have. Very likely knowing the quality of media reporting in this country.....
Secondly the amount of ignorance about the role that the courts provide to the community is simply staggering. The lack of understanding of the function of the law, or the roles of the legal profession, let alone the legal requirements to consider issues more than just a victims perspective. Not only is that binding on Judges but profoundly in the interests of the rest of society and for a longer term view...
What is also staggering is the punitive/deterrent mindset of the public in this country. We have more in prison than we have ever had, we have the 2nd largest incarceration rate in the Western world, and the bleaters still can't quite work out that repeating stuff that isn't working is the absolute indication of madness...Disagree in that Yes it seems to defy logic, but they need to do the time for the crime. Not locking them away rewards them with their freedom thereby encouraging MORE of the offences rather than less. Police chases is another situation we hear of more now. Why? because these clowns know that if they drive like they will kill someone, then the cops wont chase them. Thus they drive like this knowing they can escape. If they were chased down EVERY time, and actually punished, they would start to learn that it is not worth running. By the logic of the "dont lock em up brigade", we can stop every police chase, simply by NOT chasing anyone who runs and we can all get away. second point- they are not Police pursuits. They are FLEEING DRIVERS!!!!.
There seems to be an underlying perverted idea that if the "justice system" was working then criminals would stop being criminals, hunters would not get shot by their mates, and cars wouldn't leave the road for the footpath with traumatic results. News flash, thats your fault - thats the peoples fault and it starts with individual and community attitudes. Attempting to lay that at the feet of the "justice system" is absolutely missing the point. I sort of agree here. It is not the justice systems fault that criminals behave like criminals, but it is the justice sytem at fault if it lets them get away with it, thereby encouraging and rewarding this behaviour.
Its poor parenting, not caring for your neighbours, not supporting those who need it, not holding your mates and relatives to account for them being dicks, and sitting back and blaming the justice system for the failings. Absolutely 100% SPOT ON. Those who choose to be criminals, those who choose to break the law are completely the ones at fault. And those that enable, encourage and reward must wear the blame as well. Bad parenting choices, lack of discipline, lack of boundaries and lack of consequences all contribute to this, but the blame remains with those who chose to commit crime.
Convenient but stupid....