What cover up?! The officer was charged by Police and the prosecution was handed on to the Crown then he was acquitted by a jury who were presented the available facts! Who closed ranks? Who conducted the cover up? What protection was offered to the officer? You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
Savage the protectionism and closed ranks is all over you. If any business, and policing is a business, it has to be open, totally open. The police are not there yet. I respect the fact you have a job that burns you, but you need to look through it and see it is not perfect.As I've said before I respect the police and the law, but there are times a wound has to be opened and cleaned out correctly for it to heal and consequences faced squarely. Leave excuses behind.
Boom, cough,cough,cough
I think you are talking about an old Police force, I'm the first to admit the Police aren't perfect but corrupt? No way, not in my experience, and is also shown clearly by how quick Police are to prosecute their own, just as in this case. I'm not sure what you've experienced in the past, but I can assure you that things have changed.
I'd be fine with that, would have shot him myselfbut it's very basic to have a loaded gun when the situ is under control. Hope he's not a weekend hunter!
Boom, cough,cough,cough
I think the chip on your shoulder is blinding you to see the world the way you want to, not the way it actually is.
There is an independent body:
IPCA - Independent Police Conduct Authority of New Zealand
The general public is very supportive in my experience, issuing traffic tickets is probably the biggest hindrance to public support.
Explain to me, why at any point during a resolved situation do you sling a loaded firearm, safety on or off.
I just can't get my head around it. It's like just putting the safety on and leaving a round in the chamber at a range while everyone walks down, even then, it should still be untouched but would still be considered a massive fuck up!
Er, just cause one guy is on the ground and cuffed does not mean the situation is "resolved". Your comments on police procedures make me wonder if you ever exited the vehicle on the ride-alongs you claim to have gone on.
I spent several years carrying a firearm while at work. We would only ever unload the firearm back at base when the shift finished. Carrying a loaded firearm with the safety on is very common practise.
Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute