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Thread: The IRIS - a great Kiwi product, what do you think?

  1. #31
    ebf is offline
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    Let's alter the debate slighty. how would you feel is this "safety" device becomes mandatory ?

    Think this is far-fetched ? Let me tell you about the "saw-stop". So every year, scores of idjit Americans manage to slice off their fingers on that killer tool known as the cannibal table saw ! So a couple of years ago, this guy invented a gizmo that senses flesh, and retracts the blade with explosive force. Completely fucks up the blade and the safety device needs to be replaced, but hey, all you have is a nick on your finger. Sounds like a win right ? Wifey likes hubby with 10 fingers, add campaign targeted at hobby woodworkers and their spouses etc. Fast forward a couple of years, and the inventor has now lobbied the do-goodie politicians for a law that says every single saw sold has to have one of his devices...

    So thanks, but no thanks.
    P38, veitnamcam, FletchNZ and 1 others like this.
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  2. #32
    Member stumpy's Avatar
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    but "E" if every saw sold now has a 100% zero chance of not cutting your fingers off , surely that is a good thing?
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  3. #33
    Member stumpy's Avatar
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    wait did I word that right ? ....... I gotta get off meth
    YOU ARE NEVER OUT OF THE FIGHT . (Marcus Luttrell)

  4. #34
    P38 is offline
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    The biggest design flaw I see with this device is you have to attach it to your Rifle then for it to detect another person, who has to be wearing the reflectors,

    You have to Point Your Rifle at Another Person.

    This act alone goes against the grain of everything I have ever been taught.

    If I ever saw anyone pointing a Rifle at me I would have to assume they intend to shoot at me.

    It's for this reason I would never use it.

    Last edited by P38; 08-08-2014 at 06:42 PM.
    257weatherby likes this.

  5. #35
    ebf is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by stumpy View Post
    but "E" if every saw sold now has a 100% zero chance of not cutting your fingers off , surely that is a good thing?
    Yeah, but the saw stop saw are $1000 more expensive, and only a fraction of the population do stupid enough stuff to warrant having the safety device...

    I am not a nanny state type person, especially when the measures are band aids and people do not address the issue causing the problem in the first place.
    The Hunting Show likes this.
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  6. #36
    ebf is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by P38 View Post
    You have to Point Your Rifle at Another Person.

    This act alone goes against the grain of everything I have ever been taught.

    If I ever saw anyone pointing a Rifle at me I would have to assume they intend to shoot at me.
    Amen brother
    The Hunting Show likes this.
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  7. #37
    Member The Hunting Show's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    Let's alter the debate slighty. how would you feel is this "safety" device becomes mandatory ?

    Think this is far-fetched ? Let me tell you about the "saw-stop". So every year, scores of idjit Americans manage to slice off their fingers on that killer tool known as the cannibal table saw ! So a couple of years ago, this guy invented a gizmo that senses flesh, and retracts the blade with explosive force. Completely fucks up the blade and the safety device needs to be replaced, but hey, all you have is a nick on your finger. Sounds like a win right ? Wifey likes hubby with 10 fingers, add campaign targeted at hobby woodworkers and their spouses etc. Fast forward a couple of years, and the inventor has now lobbied the do-goodie politicians for a law that says every single saw sold has to have one of his devices...

    So thanks, but no thanks.
    I personally would not like to see it become mandatory, its a personal choice

  8. #38
    Member The Hunting Show's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P38 View Post
    The biggest design flaw I see with this device is you have to attach it to your Rifle then for it to detect another person, who has to be wearing the reflectors,

    You have to Point Your Rifle at Another Person.

    This act alone goes against the grain of everything I have ever been taught.

    If I ever saw anyone pointing a Rifle at me I would have to assume they intend to shoot at me.

    It's for this reason I would never use it.


    Hi Pete, I am not trying to defend the device (its not my product) but it can be tested without the rifle (alone or on the scope) in saying that I am sure some Muppets will cock that up!

  9. #39
    sneakywaza I got
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    I don't need a device that tells me it is ok to shoot (or not). I need my eyes and my brain to do that, and they do just fine so far. I believe in my own go/no go processes, my own son is alive because I have a go/no go process and did NOT shoot him despite circumstances that created extreme pressure on the decision making.

    People getting shot in the bush are being shot by people making BAD decisions, every day people are crashed into and injured or killed by people driving through red lights - red lights are a warning device........................ how's that working out?

  10. #40
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 257weatherby View Post
    I don't need a device that tells me it is ok to shoot (or not). I need my eyes and my brain to do that, and they do just fine so far. I believe in my own go/no go processes, my own son is alive because I have a go/no go process and did NOT shoot him despite circumstances that created extreme pressure on the decision making.

    People getting shot in the bush are being shot by people making BAD decisions, every day people are crashed into and injured or killed by people driving through red lights - red lights are a warning device........................ how's that working out?
    So are you saying you're immune to bad decisions and traffic lights are pointless because people still get hurt?

  11. #41
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmay View Post
    You are kidding right? There are 230,000 A class licensed people in this country and an estimated 1,000,000 guns.

    There is around 9 deaths a year due to guns
    13% criminals
    80% of them are suicide
    1-2% by cops

    5% are accidental

    So in 10 years there are 4.5 deaths.

    Pretty blanket statement saying that what we have isn't working.

    (Typed on my phone)

    To further my above post as referenced earlier on in this thread.
    If everyone used this and assumed we on average used our gun 4 times a year each AND these things are made to the highest standard (6 faults in a million) then we would still have 5 deaths ( late Friday maths)
    So you're saying we don't have a problem? I'd disagree, just because it's not a daily occurrence doesn't mean it should be ignored.

    Why put a safety on a rifle? People will just start relying on it and point it anywhere thinking it's safe. Same argument, safeties on rifles are a brilliant feature which improve safe handling of a firearm, but shouldn't be relied on, just like this product.

  12. #42
    Member Josh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hunting Show View Post
    I am not trying to sell anything, just asking a question
    Are you on this forum because you want to become part of the community and contribute to discussions that have nothing to do with your show, or are you here to advertise your show? You could have summarized what the device is/what it does etc, but instead you link to your own podcasts etc so people have to listen to then before joining in the discussion.

    You're advertising - people don't tend to react nicely to people who only join a community for their own gain. You should hang around and prove that that's not the case
    Bonecrusher and 308 like this.

  13. #43
    Member madmaori's Avatar
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    I would try it out...i fully trust my own judgement because gun safety is paramount to me but if it would help some trigger happy porch monkey from shooting me surely thats gota be a good thing?!
    Savage1 and stumpy like this.

  14. #44
    308 is offline
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    Amen to that

    As for this Hunt Show guy,you're like a chugger (charity mugger) - one of those guys on the street with a clipboard that stops people with "hows your day?" kinda lines

    NO I do not want to be quoted ever
    NO I do not want to see your show

    I just wanna talk hunting with my mates

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh View Post
    Are you on this forum because you want to become part of the community and contribute to discussions that have nothing to do with your show, or are you here to advertise your show? You could have summarized what the device is/what it does etc, but instead you link to your own podcasts etc so people have to listen to then before joining in the discussion.

    You're advertising - people don't tend to react nicely to people who only join a community for their own gain. You should hang around and prove that that's not the case
    Bonecrusher likes this.

  15. #45
    Member HNTMAD's Avatar
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    No i would not use, I see that in the wrong hands someone will make a shot through a bush because the device didn't pick up it was ya mate........ people will take risky shots

    As for iron sights, sorry ebf i dont see how that wouldnt affect you infact it would be better suited as with a scope you have a better opportunity to rule out "objects" that may appear to be animal like. How many of us have been bush hunting and the old eyes say..oh is that a.... up with the rifle of bino's to check and it is a log or branch etc cant do that with iron sights.
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