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Thread: Media Firearms beat-up continues

  1. #181
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    ''Over the internet, or a mate talking to a mate down at the pub, nine times out of 10 they won't ask to see a gun licence."

    I call bollocks on that one. Nearly every private firearm ad I've seen on the net says something like 'no licence no sale', and most sellers are well aware that if they get caught selling to someone without a licence they'd probably lose theirs.

    As for private sales being 'a huge problem', they might be a problem to his profit margin but thats about all.
    steven likes this.

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Yeah, I don't think I'll be speaking to them again.

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by marky123 View Post
    Lesson learnt?
    Yep, say nothing and nothing gets said.


  4. #184
    Join Date
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by tommygun View Post
    I work at McCarthys and overheard that interview. In the interest of keeping my job I won't talk about my own opinions here, but bear in mind how the media like to spin things. After the online threat regarding the Otago University a journalist from the ODT came and asked me some questions at work about obtaining a pistol and here is the article that resulted 'Good chance' of tracing threat | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago, South Island, New Zealand & International News
    What I tried to explain was that pistols can be owned in NZ, but will be held under a C or B license. That anyone with a firearms license could buy ammunition that a handgun might be chambered for, which makes sense as many pistols are chambered in calibres that rifles also take, e.g. .22lr. I said each handgun is registered under the name of the owner, and (In theory) the police know exactly which handgun is owned by which licensed owner, however they obviously couldn't keep track of ones that were already owned illegally or ones smuggled into the country e.g. in a boat.
    This is how she interpreted it:

    "A Dunedin hunting and fishing store employee, who asked to remain anonymous, said the handgun posted with the threat online could be bought in New Zealand by a category C licence holder.

    Bullets for the gun could be used for most category A (sporting) guns, so it would not be clear what the bullets were being bought for, the employee said.

    Police kept a close eye on who owned handguns and obtaining one was a lengthy process.

    However, they could not track stolen or imported guns, he said."
    thanks tommygun -you've just confirmed what I thought &wrote.

  5. #185
    Join Date
    May 2012
    5 kids a year are run over while backing out the driveway.
    Vs 28 hunters killed in 20 years.
    For those that want to save the world.... go jump on that band wagon!
    southernredneck and Tommy like this.

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    The reporters email if anyone wishes to point out that our anonymous friends ommited some facts in their interview.


  7. #187
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Krameranzac View Post
    The reporters email if anyone wishes to point out that our anonymous friends ommited some facts in their interview.

    I wouldnt waste my time.if she cant get it right first time or was after the ratings primarily.an email from us aint gonna make an iota of difference IMO.

  8. #188
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by tommygun View Post
    I work at McCarthys and overheard that interview. In the interest of keeping my job I won't talk about my own opinions here, but bear in mind how the media like to spin things. After the online threat regarding the Otago University a journalist from the ODT came and asked me some questions at work about obtaining a pistol and here is the article that resulted 'Good chance' of tracing threat | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago, South Island, New Zealand & International News
    What I tried to explain was that pistols can be owned in NZ, but will be held under a C or B license. That anyone with a firearms license could buy ammunition that a handgun might be chambered for, which makes sense as many pistols are chambered in calibres that rifles also take, e.g. .22lr. I said each handgun is registered under the name of the owner, and (In theory) the police know exactly which handgun is owned by which licensed owner, however they obviously couldn't keep track of ones that were already owned illegally or ones smuggled into the country e.g. in a boat.
    This is how she interpreted it:

    "A Dunedin hunting and fishing store employee, who asked to remain anonymous, said the handgun posted with the threat online could be bought in New Zealand by a category C licence holder.

    Bullets for the gun could be used for most category A (sporting) guns, so it would not be clear what the bullets were being bought for, the employee said.

    Police kept a close eye on who owned handguns and obtaining one was a lengthy process.

    However, they could not track stolen or imported guns, he said."
    I'd talk to any journalist, but I'd be asking to read the article before it goes to print to make sure that I have not been quoted out of context!
    My wife is a racing journalist. When talking to horse owners, trainers she quite often has to do this.
    What your seeing there is a very poor form of journalism.
    The other thing I'd do is make an appointment with the journalist who wants to talk to you. Also record what is being said.
    As I'm sure that you where recorded.
    It's also down to what the editor wants in the paper.
    Over here you generally get paid by the word. But this need to fill a limited space.
    So if the interviewed gave a long winded answer then there going to cut it short.
    A lot of journalist won't agree to letting you read the article but then you don't have to agree to talking to them!!

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Christchuch New Zealand
    here's another question WTF is this title
    "The National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies chairman and director "

    Sounds like a jumped up self important ego trip. Last time I heard of a director also being chairman and there being both positions it was a business with one employee- The director , chairman was also the lackey, coffee maker and shipping clerk too. I am in a business here too, I am the director of internet sales and advertising, and Chief financial officer of the entire online division. I am also the shipping manager, packaging supervisor, and head of the communications dept and payroll officer. So does that mean I have a bigger _ _ _ _ than he does. (Wage for all you rude minded individuals....)

    No. It means everything is my responsibility and there is no one else to blame.

    As for Peace and conflict centre chairman , sounds like a PC jargon for anger management therapy person who takes bookings for the next session......
    steven and Sideshow like this.

  10. #190
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    Dec 2012
    "because of the rural make-up of the community,"

    So you country folk are dis-honest bastards, there I knew it all along.

    absolute bull cr*p.

    and then this,

    "Over the internet, or a mate talking to a mate down at the pub, nine times out of 10 they won't ask to see a gun licence"

    So a vested interest, selling an un-supportable point of view.

    His business should be boycotted IMHO, if he thinks gun owners are this bad, dont give him business.
    veitnamcam, Tommy and timattalon like this.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  11. #191
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    I wouldnt waste my time.if she cant get it right first time or was after the ratings primarily.an email from us aint gonna make an iota of difference IMO.
    Yes but write to the paper.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  12. #192
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    here's another question WTF is this title
    "The National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies chairman and director "

    Sounds like a jumped up self important ego trip.

    Yes this academic has had an agenda as an anti-gunner for years. In his case no matter the evidence the answer is get rid of guns. The good thing is he has a tendency to say things that cannot be substantiated.

    What I am going to do is collect articles from when he says something and keep it as evidence with replies based on data and research.

    ie in a court of law a good lawyer would rip him apart. ie when he says "could" he cant prove it so its not a fact/evidence.
    timattalon likes this.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  13. #193
    Join Date
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    Christchuch New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by steven View Post
    "because of the rural make-up of the community,"

    So you country folk are dis-honest bastards, there I knew it all along.

    absolute bull cr*p.

    and then this,

    "Over the internet, or a mate talking to a mate down at the pub, nine times out of 10 they won't ask to see a gun licence"

    So a vested interest, selling an un-supportable point of view.

    His business should be boycotted IMHO, if he thinks gun owners are this bad, dont give him business.
    As long as this is what he said. Dont forget the Media never lets the truth get in the way of a story.

    Remember Heather D P A was told it there was a chance that an error could slip though and not be spotted and then Duncan went on to say later that the person said it was very likely never going to be picked up. These are not quotes and one is definitely not a quote of the other.

    So it is possible the shop owner could have said something along the lines of "if anyone wanted to buy an illegal firearm, they are more likely to do this down at a pub face to face where there is no ability to track the transaction" and a reporter would repeat this as "all trades down at the pub are not tracked and are illegal" to make it sound more dramatic. (and wrong of course)

    Is anyone on here working at or involved with that gun shop? Perhaps get him to answer in person on this thread and see what he actually said. I dont trust the media to get it right as I have not seen that happen much for a very long time.

  14. #194
    Member Cyclops's Avatar
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    In the Mainland
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan88 View Post
    I would think it very very rare for someone in New Zealand to apply for their license who has not had previous experience with firearms. and by experience I mean has at least fired a gun of some sort. most people applying for a FAL would probably have mates or family who are interested in shooting and from whom they caught the bug.
    Well by that definition I must be a very rare person.

    My - then - 14 year old took up fullbore target shooting as his sporting hobby.
    In order for him to have a rifle to use exclusively I had to get a Firearms License which I did.
    I had no previous firearms experience and no particular interest in shooting myself.

    To own a firearm and ammunition I obtained my FAL, then a rifle, then began reloading for my son.

    We're onto our third rifle now for fullbore target shooting - this time a specialised target rifle built up from components.
    veitnamcam and steven like this.

  15. #195
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    Lesson being nobody in the shooting community should give any MSM outlet the opportunity to twist their words, as in tell them to get bent.
    Also bear in mind emotive "they should be shot" posts, on a public forum that is read by anyone isn't helping either.

    It re-enforces the stereotype that shooters are crazy people.



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