buggered if I know about the last 5 years, Iv only been doing it a short time
you are taught by a previous instructer and you are required to have a FAL and I believe no issues with the law
You have access information regarding firearm incedents causing injury/death and I was shown that you try to stress that safety is paramount
encourage the safe use of firearms. and make sure people know that it isnt a joke, people die from miss use ect
Regarding helping people pass that isnt what the MSC wants
We will read thru a question to a person then tell them its a "safety test" so think about the safest answer.
If they obviously havent read the arms code they are to be asked to leave and come back when they have
it is a really basic test that you facilitate people sitting
If they have reading differculties then you read to them when they have trouble understanding a word or rephraze it without making it obvious
you are there to help people understand safety with firearms, I see others beliefs creaping in regarding semi's and half bolt but that is totally personal opinions.
the material you teach with is limited and out dated, but really stressing safety and overseeing a test is all you are there to do
and help if someone has trouble, because lets be honest some of the questions asked are fucking stupid, trick questions
could I write a script for people to follow? sure. Would it help, I doubt it
usually a class is made up of a load of older people that havent been in a class room for over 30 years
some left school back then due to failing tests, people are stressing out and giving stupid answers even when they know the correct ones.
it is the mountain safety council not the NZ police, all they want is to increase the ease of people out there getting licences, as if the police were to hold them there would be less opportunity as they are so damn busy all the time
so we travel out in to small towns and hold evening classes to give people the opportunity to sit the safety test
otherwise there would be less firearms licence holders
Oh ebf do I have a story for you
I should probably keep this two myself but I think there's a lesson in it for us all, so no names will be mentioned.
Our local firearms course instructors (2) where hunting with a good mate of mine, a couple of years back, this is a true story.........
They where quad hunting a private hunting block for deer split between 2 quads, both the instructors, my mate and the land owner.
2 red hinds crossed the track when coming down the hill, the two instructors decided two cut down bedside the ridge two maybe get a shot off.
The bikes carried on down the steep track, my guy mate on the trailing quad who was a very experienced quad rider, some how got cross rutted and the bike rolled pinning him against the bank.
The lead quad had carried on unaware of what had happened.
Mate was in rather a bad way screaming his head off for help, the two instructors arrived after running back up the hill,
As they bent down two pick up the quad one of there unloaded guns slung on someones back went off blowing a hunk of bank two bits less than a foot from my mates head.......
These two instructors then debated whose gun it was that mysteriously went bang. I kid you not.
.these are the same two alluded two in my first post
Fortunately I think they have given up..........
Yes. Given the opportunity, I will volunteer my time and training qualifications to develop a remodeled training package that is reliable and consistent, in accordance with the learning outcomes. I will also assist with the training and assessment of instructors if required.
Boom, cough,cough,cough
sounds like you want to be the boss before you know how to do the job
there are improvements to be made absolutely
Mike Daisley
Chief Executive
New Zealand Mountain Safety Council
Tel: 04 385 7162 ext 222
DDI: 04 915 9280
Cell: 027 443 7557
Email: mike.daisley@mountainsafety.org.nz
Address: Level 3 l 19 Tory Street l PO Box 6027 l Wellington l 6141
heres the head of the snake
best to see the top I say.
I merely offered to assist. At no stage did I say that I want to run it.
I would fully expect that any training package that was developed was subject to peer review and feedback, on a continual basis. This ensures that the training does not become stagnant, and continues to improve. Like you yourself have admitted is required.
What are you basing this opinion on?
As you have questioned my ability to "do the job". I will outline my experience and qualification to assist in the development of this training package below:
- 20 years experience in workplace training.
- Held a formal qualification in adult education for the past 8 years. Specifically a Certificate IV Training and Assessment(Australian).
- Qualified Australian Army Instructor and Assessor
- Qualified Australian Army Training Supervisor-Developing and assessing the delivery of training packages.
- 17 years carrying arms as a profession.
- Qualified armorer
- Held or undergone the licensing/training requirements for three(3) countries (Australia, Canada, and New Zealand)
- I also hold qualifications in Occupational Health and Safety, and Risk Management.
Do you still think that I don't know how to "do the job"?
As I have said several times, I only wish to assist in the development of this training course.
Thank you for your input.
sounds like a valuable find
"ars longa, vita brevis"
And please make sure that they stop teaching people to use a half cock/bolt position instead of a safety on anything other than their grand dads .303.
Welcome to Sako club.
sounds like you want to do be the boss before you know how to do the job, thats one sentence. not two and in separating them you have taken it out of context.
reminds me of this
Step back, take a deep breath and a good look at the underlying message and you will find you are both on the same team.
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
Agree with Rushy, and for the record if the programme and material is suitable you dont need to be an expert to deliver it. Knowledge of yes, but expert no.
One would have to think that Koshogi would have something positive to offer, and with those credentials being volunteered to help , why wouldn't you have him helping. Chink chink my 2c
"ars longa, vita brevis"
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
Reading through this Bill999 has taken offence to something that wasn't directed at him but at the instructor that Koshogi experienced. If there is indeed such a poor level of training and instruction (maybe just from the one instructor) it does appear that there is a need for proper training (maybe just to this one individual).
I agree that the firearms test is a bit of a joke, with the help offered to people that obviously haven't studied and have all but no clue about firearms and their safety. Even in the US they have a handling section of the test (I've been told shotgun with 2 live rounds). There is definitely a need for a shake up, but that still won;t stop the idiots nor the crims. At least if you're trying to do it the legal way, you have the correct intentions.
Sounds like Koshogi would be an EXTREMELY valuable addition to the MSC and Bill999, you're all but telling him to piss off. Cool your jets Bill, take the offered assistance.
I found the the same course a bit mixed, I learnt a few things which was great, and was also surprized a few things were more opinions than anything else.
The thing that got me was the number of test fails, and they were told to go away and try again, and again, and again... What?????
I was happy to 100%, but it showed me that people who had not read or understood the arms code were being allowed to pass.