Well pointed out @timattalon, I do not believe the complainer is entirely sincere either. Feel sorry for the railway guy getting to be pig in the middle, trying to control damage.
I'm also sick and tired of all German servicemen of WW2 - never mind their re-enactors - being referred to collectively as "Nazis", which is dehumanising and inaccurate.
My grandfather in an occupied European country nearly got hanged in 1945 in the orgy of lynchings that took place, for having treated "a Nazi", a conscript, as a human being, but got saved last minute by someone brave who put the record straight about his good motives.
Sadly, hate/war mongers shall always be with us.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Hey ,
Im offended NOW , Warmongers are people TOO .
You will notice now days that if you have the slittest thought slightly right of the left ,you are qualified of a nazi/ racist/antisemit...etc
It is even worst in France.
The west is turning into a bunch of spineless pussies
Bit one sided and a little racist that. They point out the German army but can't identify the other uniforms.......guess they might need a history lesson after all.
Do they know how much misery trains have brought? Take TB for example. A German microbiologist discovered tubercle bacillus in 1882, four years later it was discovered that it was spread by raw milk. Tuberculosis was the single greatest cause of death and disability in nineteenth century Britain. Why then. Because of the industrial revolution which saw Britain get trains access. Suddenly all those towns could get fresh milk. Which was all mixed.
estimates indicate that at least half a million (and possibly 800,000) human deaths in the period 1850-1950 are directly attributable to bovine TB, especially among young children who were the main milk drinkers. (Unprocessed milk)!!
Here's the link.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
Damit there goes that WW2 re-enactment. No bother I didn't have the correct guns
Oh but I do have a lever actionthey have a train you say
Anyone else here want to meet up for a bit of cowboys and Indians
now there is a thread on here about lever guns so........
Anyone want to try some "Once upon a time in the west "! Now that them Nazis have pushed off![]()
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
Not that many years ago, you could walk down Broadway in PN with a rifle, sometimes you saw motorcyclists with them, across their back, nobody took much notice. The scare-mongering BS is the Media, the Entertainment Industry, and Politicians. The USA was first to get swamped with killing games, kids grew up with them, and 20yrs ago, they had veiwed more than 1000 murders on TV before they were 12. You cant brain-wash people, without consequences. Shit IS happening, and it wont go away if things carry on this way. Hysteria breeds hysteria and we all need to stop buying into it. Ditch your TV, and the kids tablets, in 3 weeks they'll be playing happily outside. Let the USA News be outlawed here, then the BS can stay where it belongs..it really should be illegal to "export" that crap
There is a present country with 800 overseas military bases, all full of Narzi re-enactors wearing Fritz helmets and using Jerry cans.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
At that size and presence worldwide ,It is actually called an empire not a country.
And if you look at most empires, they tend to suck out the resources of their colonies.
They also have all collapsed at some point...