If it happens it will be good. Just like the seperation of powers in Government it is necessary for gun rights to be removed from the police who have assumed a role of judge and executioner. The deafening quiet from the author of our current laws shows how she understands how the weather vane of public sentiment changed. Like Key she bolted before she was tossed out.
This is a sign that we can be heard and can move things
This is what I voted for
If we all support the minister who best represents our interests and push back harder against the gun grabbers because they will not go away
Congrats to Nicole and more power to your elbow mate
@Cyclops…I’d be interested to know if your “Input” has been garnished or requested by anyone within this “new”govt.
Not blowing smoke up your arse,but you seem well versed in this subject,I think most would agree that the road (posts on this subject)you are taking is sound and based on a lot of involvement in the area of gun ranges….emotion is cheap,balanced thinking and ideas not so much
It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
Ha ha,
I did a day, is enough is it not? You can do a lot in a day
I was merely pointing out until the rules/legislation actually changes its just words on a page.
We all hope it is going to get better for not just our hobby's/interests and in fact the country as a whole, but I am a cynic and words on a page or "snappy TV sound bite" are easy the actual "coming through with actions" is the difficult bit.
I really really hope that we get a good result but I am not getting my hopes up for things to happen in a flash.
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
When I got the email I felt a huge sense of relief.
Like there maybe some shreds of NZ left for my children to enjoy after all.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Greetings All,
We have mostly had a sleep on yesterdays news so what does it all mean? Here is my 2 cents worth.
Centrefire semi autos. Not even mentioned. I think that these are gone for good. Many forget that National voted unanimously to ban them along with everyone else other than the one ACT MP at the time.
Registration. This has been kicked down the road in the review of cost effectiveness of firearms law. It is hard to see anything other than a report prior to the next election. Parliament is going to be a pretty busy place with all the other promises that have been made so any legislation on this is unlikely before 2027.
Ranges. This is the big one. Repeal of the current Part 6 will need to be replaced with something. Currently Pistol Ranges need to be approved and NRA ranges have, I believe, been self regulated. The Range Manual is likely to remain as a means of compliance for range safety as were previous range manuals issued by MSC and later police and the responsibility for their safety will rest solely with those that operate or use them. Watch this space.
Regards Grandpamac.
Some actors are shifting from:
Labour are going to win, resistance is futile
National will win and keep the registry, resistance is futile
They have promised to look into it, it will stay, resistance is futile
They will undoubtedly shift to:
Labour will re-introduce it after next election, resistance is futile.
I am very glad that their efforts have not succeded in deterring a large majority of the hunting and shooting community from exercising their right to vote for change.
I would be very surprised if we would not see the right steps to changes coming very soon. If ACT fail to deliver on that one within the next three years they will lose a shitton of votes. They are not leftist morons, they know and understand that. Just like winnie knows that he needs to deliver the things he promised, which I am also looking forward to by the way.
But those that either have mal intent in mind or believe they can outcomply socialist bs will continue to claim its going to stay. Facts do not matter to ideologues. Lets prove them wrong.
Last edited by STC; 25-11-2023 at 09:08 AM.
The Section 6 rules for ranges were an interesting beast - some smaller outfits that had been around a long time but running on the smell of an oily rag probably could have really benefited from a review of their operations, but a lot of the larger and newer setups were forced into a complete wholesale rewrite of their documentation which was arguably already compliant and meeting the requirements. This was simply because it wasn't in the new proscribed format - re-writing everything to put it into the new required format and shifting were things were recorded took a hell of a time for some outfits which was literally just a waste of (voluntary) labour hours and didn't achieve anything for safety on the operation of the facility.
I'm hoping that brains prevail and commonsense means that a rubber stamp approach (what works at the sampled facility used as the template for the paperwork will work everywhere) will get kicked to touch and provided the requirements are met outfits can do what works for them...
I am not usually one to comment on political based items but have felt for a long time (years) that there has been a relentless campaign waged against the firearm community, both private and commercial. From tying up couriers, making ranges hard to operate, introducing over complicated procedures for licensing (dealers get a 46 page document to complete EVERY year - think about that next time you question your gunsmiths or suppliers bill) and a vast array of other items that I am sure you are aware of.
It has seemed that almost every week there has been some other hurdle to have to comply with just to go about your lawful business.
Anyway, today I woke to a brighter future and a real hope that in some small way it appears that things will actually get a little better for a change.
Have a good weekend all.