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Thread: New gun security laws

  1. #166
    Join Date
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    Christchuch New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    Probably just trolling
    Probably??? Whats this Probably business...?

    Actually, it seems by the tone of his posts that he has a very different perspective to firearms ownership and use than we do. For what its worth, our Police are not the ones he does not like. I suspect he does not yet realise what we have down here.....
    Sideshow likes this.

  2. #167
    Join Date
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    Perhaps a product of the awesome US education system, not realising other countries in the world have freedom.

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    Savage1, gadgetman, 308 and 6 others like this.

  3. #168
    Join Date
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    Yeah.. have to admitt some of the safes i've seen arent exactly what i'd call secure..

  4. #169
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Yeah.. have to admitt some of the safes i've seen arent exactly what i'd call secure..
    Given your user name I would assume you have very high security standards
    199p, Rwt and Skatieguy like this.
    Using Tapatalk

  5. #170
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    gunnerjacky sounds like an ideal person to have access to firearms.
    Nothing like self admitted hatred to balance you decisions on.

    I hope your kids get far away from you as soon as possible and find a way to undo the rot you have no doubt instilled in their poor minds.
    For some reason I picture you and your friends in white hooded robes..............

  6. #171
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by gunnerjacky View Post
    I have a deep hatred for the Police. They have this history of doing whatever they feel like. We cannot rely on police to protect us from the criminals. We ought to get firearms safety training and own a gun for the safety of our family.
    unfortunately we have here a classic example of the fact that even DNA has shortcomings.
    pal ,wherever you are id suggest you give us a miss and try ultra rightwing /national socialist type forums ,sure they'd adore you.

  7. #172
    Member Shahin's Avatar
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    Actually know a close friend that works at hunting and fishing and have had a similar talk but not everything in your original post is true... I haven't read all 12 pages so forgive me if I'm repeating someone else's answer
    To be short they have stopped stocking "ECAT" safes as new regulations are coming into place where a locksmith and engineer have to provide a cert for the safes now. Nothing has changed regarding ACAT. H&F will still sell you an ECAT safe but they need to order certain pre approved ones from there supplier to stop them from getting in the shit for selling you a supposed ECAT when really it's only an ACAT.

    Hope this helps
    WallyR likes this.

  8. #173
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    From Otago Arms Officer today

    "The report that comes with the safe is sufficient."
    stretch and Skatieguy like this.

  9. #174
    Member mucko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skitsokiwi View Post
    Hey guys

    Friend of mine recently went into our local h&f to inquire about their e cat safe prices. He was told not to bother as they had received a letter from the police stating that they no longer recognise any of the current e cat safes as approved methods of storage no matter the cert they have and have put a hold on all e and a cat storage checks or something along those lines. The reasoning is that they are going to an approved police engineer that will be the only one able to certify a firearms safe etc and each safe will have to be individually approved not just a model of safe. Apparently due to some safes being approved when really they shouldn't be and the police having no "control" over the certifier.

    Anyone else heard anything about this happening?
    Tauranga AO currently auditing E cat safes doing sight inspections making sure they comply.
    Muckos Shooting accessories and engineering https://www.facebook.com/aimnzengineering/

  10. #175
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    So I wonder what happens of they decide they don't comply?

  11. #176
    Member mucko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    So I wonder what happens of they decide they don't comply?
    Don't know mate both my home builds comply
    Muckos Shooting accessories and engineering https://www.facebook.com/aimnzengineering/

  12. #177
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    According to http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/defa...nts-pol67n.pdf, the minimum lock standard for Strongrooms, Rooms of stout construction, Steel boxes and cabinets, and Safes is a 5-lever Mortice lock complying with BS3621.

    Strongrooms, Steel boxes and cabinets, and Safes require 2x locks, while Rooms of stout construction seem to only require 1. That fucks my safe.

    From a security perspective, I wonder how a Group 1 combination dial compares to a 5-lever mortice lock.

  13. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by stretch View Post
    According to http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/defa...nts-pol67n.pdf, the minimum lock standard for Strongrooms, Rooms of stout construction, Steel boxes and cabinets, and Safes is a 5-lever Mortice lock complying with BS3621.

    Strongrooms, Steel boxes and cabinets, and Safes require 2x locks, while Rooms of stout construction seem to only require 1. That fucks my safe.

    From a security perspective, I wonder how a Group 1 combination dial compares to a 5-lever mortice lock.
    Buggers me too, my safe only has one digital combo lock with a single key lock backup. It would be interesting to know how many people have the Sentry Safe like me and how the police are going enforce their "new rules"? I was planning on building a "room of stout construction" anyway, but whats to stop them changing their mind on that too?
    Jexla likes this.

  14. #179
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    I think basically everybody is fucked.
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  15. #180
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stretch View Post
    According to http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/defa...nts-pol67n.pdf, the minimum lock standard for Strongrooms, Rooms of stout construction, Steel boxes and cabinets, and Safes is a 5-lever Mortice lock complying with BS3621.

    Strongrooms, Steel boxes and cabinets, and Safes require 2x locks, while Rooms of stout construction seem to only require 1. That fucks my safe.

    From a security perspective, I wonder how a Group 1 combination dial compares to a 5-lever mortice lock.
    Yet the last AO I spoke to (last week) said only 3 models had been reapproved, including the Kilwell one. Kilwell Deluxe 10 Gun Safe - E-Cat Key Lock | GD-10K | Kilwell Sports Ltd. Strangely enough, the picture shows it only having ONE lock.



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