Yip - gonna be a a few .17HMR owners out there unwittingly in possession of MSSA's. Great lawI'm glad they put so much thought into it.
It was also great to see they took on the advise of experienced shooters, our MP's expertise in all things firearms was duly noted during the second and third readings. Was great to see they knew what they were talking about.
I have a nosey at the 3rd reading, almost fell asleep wish I had the audio version, I can see some MP gunning for increased amendments mind the pun, and then you read MP Prosser, and say yeah, don't punish the legit users because of idiots out there.
Guess we will have to see what happens later this year, I will sit on ye picket fence with my Marlin 917VR pondering the future.
Grouchy Smurf had it right all along...
I think most of this post is bollocks, it barely makes sense. Caseless ammo is hardly a serious, near future issue in NZ, or even the world bro, more an ideal solution to soldiers carrying too much useless case. Try gangs or separatist groups with illegal guns or unlicensed weirdos getting kit with big mags or belt feed, if you are looking for issues.
As for people trying to get around the law, a few common sense judges with a pair of nuts each will easily get around that by making good common sense rulings and setting a precedent. Worrying about people changing a semi to get around the law is bullshit, everyone knows what a semi is.
My first post was flawed in that I didn't say that the bill only affected semi's. I knew this but had failed to state it so addressed it in my very next post. I also read the legislation this morning before work. It doesn't change my first post. The ammendment is pretty much exactly as Nicholas Taylor summarised it in NZG&H, funny that with him being paid to do that sort of thing.
The statement I made about bolt guns being next on the list, NEXT on the list, had nil to do with the said legislation, more of a warning for what future laws or amendments may bring.
Thanks for pointing out the errors in my post, posts sometimes don't come out how they are meant.
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast.