lawyers could be worser....![]()
lawyers could be worser....![]()
It would seem things only get better and better for us fit and proper people
Shamelessly stolen from FOUNZ justification-the-precursor-to-confiscation/
All this talk of “justification” had us wondering what would happen if an Arms Officer/inspector decided that our justification for owning an A Cat firearm was not good enough. Well it seems that our fears may be have been realised.
A member reported that he recently had his new address inspected. Here is what he told us:
“He then pulled out a form wanting to know what firearms I had, condition, serial number and why I needed it, also how much ammo I had!? When I said that’s not the law he replied ‘no it’s not law but if you refuse I’m sure the police will do an enforced inspection within a few days and may confiscate any firearms and ammunition they deem unnecessary'”
When asked what “unnecessary ammunition” meant he was told:
“ammunition that may be used in b,e or c class or more than you need” !
FOUNZ Comment:
Wow. Confiscation of any firearm and ammunition that Police “deem” unnecessary. There it is.
On what grounds could an “enforced inspection” be carried out? Subpart 6 of the Search & Surveillance Act 2012 does allow for warrantless searches if Police have reasonable grounds to suspect that you are in breach of the Arms Act.
There is no section of the Act however that relates to “unnecessary” firearms or ammunition. There is also no requirement to provide the information requested by this inspector.
Refusal to submit to an non-mandatory request should not be considered “reasonable grounds” to be suspected of being in breach of the Act.
Similarly, license holders should not be threatened with being treated as a potential criminal in order to coerce them into complying with such a request.
Have any of you received similar treatment? If so PM us and let us know what happened. Take a photo/copy of the form too.
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Do we have laws on blackmail and extortion?
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
he should tried that with me.... they pick n choose their audience
Muckos Shooting accessories and engineering
I'm starting to form the opinion that "laws" only apply to certain groups as much as I would prefer to believe otherwise
@Sidney that makes 2 of us.he should tried that with me.... they pick n choose their audience
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
did you see the three public submissions to have my company removed from the company registrar? if not why not? its in public three times. if you didn't maybe because it wasn't relevant to you or you were distracted by something else. no different to anything else put out to the public. if someone is not looking for it in public you wont see it, or your distracted with a topic that is closer to your heart. you sit there and regurge all this stuff as if it is infallible. you want to believe the system is a good system good for you I don't believe that this kind of crap is incidental its like saying the fuel companies didn't push us to breaking point with the price of fuel then backed it off enough for us to stop a shit storm. now we still get reemed at the pump and fuel companies are reaping huge profits. its the same phycology they use when testing our thresh hold to tolerate law change, they test the water with a misprinted publication oh shit uprising oh yeah sorry about that it was a misprint. no up rising wait until no bastard is in the house to oppose slip it though with some other shit. that's the real world. I do wonder if you paid by the government Sidney. your not Gerry brownlee are you.
Muckos Shooting accessories and engineering