I've now set exactly that up. Please sign up via the main page of our website on the right hand side.
Currently you will receive an email every time a new article is posted, however we're seeking feedback on alternative ways that you can PM me here, email us at info@founz.co.nz message us on facebook or use the contact us from on our website.
FIREARM OWNERS UNITED NZ – Uniting Firearm Owners Of New Zealand
Nice work there Jexla, good to see some people are taking a more organised stance against Police HQ
Thanks Jexla. I don't subscribe to website often but this is important so it's in.
I don't bf, or rss so some sort of subscribe suits me well. I run a blog or two and it seems to be the preferred method on them as well.
Have you got that site auto feeding to twitter etc as well? Some people are very active there.
Honestly we've not yet considered a twitter account as we've just set up on another forum and our website. Twitter isn't something I am personally familiar with so would require some learning on my behalf, but maybe that's something I can look into during my uni holidays in a few weeks.
We're currently considering what different legal entities would could morph into so we can take donations to help the cause and to use for things like sponsorship of events etc. We'd love to get merch such as tshirts, hats etc going. We're considering trying to get someone to put forward the money before that happens to get a bunch of artwork done for when that does happen and so we can get a new logo and have artwork for the website etc.
Thank you for your support, please sign up for our email alerts. If the emails get annoying from getting one for every new post, please just reply to one of the emails and let us know and we can opt you out of receiving them and leave you subscribed to emails we manually send that we consider to be important and less annoying.
@mikee @Beaker @gonetropo
I guess you could probably set up a weekly or monthly summary email option too? Depending how much effort that involves.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
signed up.
As we've reported on before, Nick Taylor is starting legal litigation with police soon and asked people to donate towards that fund if they could, however legal litigation is only one method of fighting this. Like we saw with the pistol grip saga, the police lost and then went crying to the politicians and got what they described as a "loophole" patched. We've seen great success with the use of social media, and we will continue with that, but to be most effective we must expand our social media reach multitudes of where we're at now, as well as use other methods, many which require funding.
As with all government departments, single people don't get prosecuted, the whole department does.
Indeed. I also suggested to the minister in my letter that; if whomever is making these decisions has that little regard for the law they are supposed to uphold that perhaps she should seek their resignation as they would no longer be fit for the job they are tasked with......
I agree to a point. Fact of the matter is we have less than 8k likes on facebook, and there's plenty of NZ shooting themed pages who are in the 10's of thousands.
There's over 240k licensed firearm owners, there's far more than 8k of them on facebook, without a doubt.
For those who are not on social media, we have our website with email alerts and we are active on another forum, we're yet to be offered a home here.