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Thread: Nice wee Christmas treat from customs NZ

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Marlborough - Pelorus Sound
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    Not yet but we have to before they will release the three parcels they have there now. I guess they have stopped leaning on their shovels and are making a go of things with the increase in imports leading up to Christmas. Email just said they would like to know if the items were being imported for monetary gain and then had an attachment outlining gst obligations if the items are to be sold etc
    Thanks for that info Ryan
    I am presuming Vic Secrets does Free shipping ?

    The Free Shipping is whats given a huge surge in buying outside NZ
    Steve123 likes this.

  2. #17
    JWB is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    So had a call today from customs about my Brownells order that they've decided to hold because it contained a charging handle & firing pin for an AR15... Apparently before they can release it they need conformation from my AO that these parts are indeed going on an ACAT firearm, if not then a permit is required.

    I informed them that just last month I successfully ordered the exact same parts with no issue. "We don't nab them all" the lady said to me.

    Where does it specify in the act about these particular parts requiring conformation and or permits??

    On we go, the never ending story.
    So reading own the page and hearing the experience of others in this regard, it appears that you have a couple of options. Demand a letter from police stating that you do not need a permit to import these firearms parts, and get the facebook response or a helpful letter. The face book response would be the most valuable in proving police are making shit up. The information that you have violated the arms act though importing these parts, should result in a charge and the cancellation of your firearms licence. There can be no other outcome. Either you have broken the law or you haven't. Police do not have a choice. They have to either agree that your parts do not require a permit, or charge you with breaking the law, and thereby admit that they are making shit up again.
    The other option is to walk away and take the loss of the money, parts and shipping, and just accept that police can do whatever they want in the pavlova paradise.
    Deetleaves likes this.

  3. #18
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmwsm View Post
    Some of us don't have a clue what this "Victoria's secret" is RyanS. Perhaps you could post some pictures for us.
    @7mmwsm bad man but nice idea I think @Ryan_Songhurst is ignoring your request
    Beaker likes this.
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  4. #19
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    I've got some of Vicki's knickers here if you'd like a photo of me wearing them?
    A330driver and Ryan_Songhurst like this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    I've got some of Vicki's knickers here if you'd like a photo of me wearing them?
    Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....

  6. #21
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    I've got some of Vicki's knickers here if you'd like a photo of me wearing them?
    You and your bloody fetishes Maca. It was you that stole my undies the weekend of the Sika Show wasn't it?
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  7. #22
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmwsm View Post
    Nah seriously I don't have a clue about this Victoria's secret. But if you reckon I'm being bad, it might need researching on goggle.
    And the fact that Maca wears Victoria's knickers really has got me scratching my head.
    On his head is how he wears them.

  8. #23
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stretch View Post
    And for those who don’t do Facebook:

    NEW RULE: Police decree that some parts of A Cat guns, but not others, are actually parts of imaginary MSSAs as well and therefore require a permit to import.

    Constant, relentless ultra vires police policy.
    OMG this is relentless. So now any scope can be e-cat?

  9. #24
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marty Henry View Post
    On his head is how he wears them.
    OMG, I visualized that and now i think I may need some counseling to recover
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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 300CALMAN View Post
    OMG this is relentless. So now any scope can be e-cat?
    Possibly, trouble is those in charge most likely have no clue or real world practical experience to be able to make these decisions correctly

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Things are heating up in our Customs by the looks
    New Governments way to pay for all their social promises maybe

    Customs charges Northland woman $188 to receive Christmas presents - NZ Herald

  12. #27
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pineapple View Post
    Does this mean the only parts for an ar15 you can import without a permit are 5 round mags and thumbhole stocks?
    Those won't go through either, in case the firearm in question has an evil bayonet lug!
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  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by burtonator View Post
    If they can be used in a AR15 MSSA semi auto then they do
    I went through the same thing about 3 months back. and after lots of emails and calls from different people they told me i should have got a permit and disposed of the items that needed the permit.
    That is entirely incorrect.

    If the firearm that they are imported for is an 'A category ' then no permit is required. It does not matter that they COULD be used in another category of firearm.

    This is clearly acknowledged by Customs NZ, they just want confirmation from your AO. Whether the request for confirmation is legally required is a matter for the courts. I would imagine the courts would say Customs is making a reasonable request.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    So had a call today from customs about my Brownells order that they've decided to hold because it contained a charging handle & firing pin for an AR15... Apparently before they can release it they need conformation from my AO that these parts are indeed going on an ACAT firearm, if not then a permit is required.

    I informed them that just last month I successfully ordered the exact same parts with no issue. "We don't nab them all" the lady said to me.

    Where does it specify in the act about these particular parts requiring conformation and or permits??

    On we go, the never ending story.
    They hold lots of stuff. They generally don't have the technical knowledge to know what does or does not require a permit.

    Just flick the email to your AO. A reasonable one sorts it out. If not, just forward it up the food chain.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

  15. #30
    Bus driver
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    Quote....If the firearm that they are imported for is an 'A category ' then no permit is required. It does not matter that they COULD be used in another category of firearm.

    Quote”They generally don't have the technical knowledge to know what does or does not require a permit.”

    Yup,don’t ya just love it......customs will take the information that you give,will give it the smoke and mirrors test,and tell that your not going to use it for what you are saying your going to use it for,.......therefore making you look like a porky-pie author....why do I say this???,I’ve been down this road before,and dealing with knobs on the phone and emails,has cost more than the product was worth..........

    The word,”consistency”...”on the same sheet of music”....”are we on the same page here”,and a few others,come to mind when dealing with customs.....not always,as they do have reasonable officials within the ranks,unfortunately in my dealings the nays outnumber the yays!
    It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary



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