I heard today he had been visited by the police recently and showed the officer his shooting range. Wouldn't that raise the alarm if he's not licensed?
I heard today he had been visited by the police recently and showed the officer his shooting range. Wouldn't that raise the alarm if he's not licensed?
Yes you would think the Police would background check him. Seems like I was wrong @Maca49
I guess that may have required both though and common sense simultaneously.
More seriously if this gentlemen did indeed import grenades (assuming that's genuine fact) and other restricted firearms
Then it would seem there i a far bigger issue in that criminals may have found a way to circumvent customs mind you with the a mount of meth which seems to get thru according to reports in the newspapers maybe we should not be surprised I guess
If he forged the paperwork to buy them "thru proper channels" then how did they slip thru the cracks of checks and balances
This is/was a bloody tragedy and it seems "everyone" knew something but no one did anything
Personally I think there is a lot more to come out if its ever released
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
This all comes back to appropriate sentencing. You simply can't catch every illegal import, every illegal firearm, every kilo of meth. The only way to get a handle on it is to sort out the joke consequences being doled out. Keeping 20,000-30,000 dropkicks in a continuous cycle in and out of jail plainly isn't working. Fucking useless wonks in the judiciary playing games with the rest of us. Some are even refusing to use the 3 strikes thing, as it's "too harsh".
Identify your target beyond all doubt
@stug I'm at an age where I think the worse of most things. Seems today no one tells the truth, including the police, just to cover their arse. Gone are the days of being able to haul someone in and give them a hard time. Everybody has rights and this PC world is happy with that.
I'm close to an ex Detective who solved some gruesome cases, shit I would have hated to be one on one with him.
The worse thing is we destroyed the mental health structure, because of mis treatment and rights. It's a shame we didn't just fix it and help these people survive or get well. We have walked away from them!
I'm very lucky to have a great family that looks after and supports each other, but I have become fairly unfeeling about those that cause grief, I have tightened my circle to those friends I care for and those I love and can help.
There's so much tradegy in the world that I cannot take responsibility for. I get weekly phone calls from those strangers wanted my money I answer is no!
Someone in govt has to hardened up a put it right and forget about votes!
I feel better now![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Looks like you and I are on the same page there @Maca49.
I've done the same thing. The only charity's I give to are the air ambulance, the life boats, and return service association!
All of this of course helps people in my back yard not some others.
Remember Ethiopia? Starving kids..before my time it was Biafra...it's still going on.
One of the things that really made me change was seeing on the docks in Mombasa the officials selling on containers of charity clothes while the NGOs stood by and took a cut!
Unfortunately your never going to be able to stop everyone who's screw becomes wobbly, it's been said before.
That's one of the things that I do like about the NZ licensing system. That they take our family away and ask them if your ok!
I think that this is one of the reasons that we have not had more mass shootings than we have had in NZ.
So yes the big question to now ask is how he got the guns and ammunition!
Why if visited by police did they not ask for a license?
Some of these answers are going to be harder to find as a lot of the evidence has gone up in smoke.
Sounds like the guys on the ground that day did an amazing job trying to reach the victims.
Yep @Sideshow you're on to it, I think our licensing system is fine, I think we may have lost to many old heads from the police force and put to many immigrants with their own ways in.
The govt needs to sort the street dwellers and harden up on crime
It's a sad world at present.
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Quinn Patterson's TradeMe gun deals: Vital clues missed before Northland Shooting rampage - NZ Herald
"Patterson's online trades included selling parts synonymous with sniper rifles" = a Ncstar scope
"...and fittings for an AK47 which would allow a shooter to rapidly swap out a magazine full of bullets with the flick of a finger" = a magazine release
"There was also a shotgun stock which would create a pistol-grip weapon " = ? What the fuck is a pistol grip weapon? Probably a stock for an 870...
"...a fitting to which laser and optical sights could be fitted." = a picatinny rail
"A "Monte Carlo" stock was also sold - the non-metal part of a rifle in a style designed to hold scoped sights." WTF?
Another McDonald's quality hyperbole laden "editorial" from the Herald...
Here we go could be a perfect target for a judge to set an example
That article has changed a lot since you pulled those quotes out
Yea interesting aye seems 2 conflicting storeys the first one says he was buying guns of TM rite up until the shooting .