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Thread: Owing an A-cat AR-15 + a bolt action rifle with 'MSSA' features

  1. #46
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Dannz View Post
    Firearms legislation and case law is never basic. Everything is open to interpretation.

    You're suggesting that I could have a 30 round magazine sitting next to a semi-auto rifle capable of receiving it in my A-cat(!) safe, provided it was also sitting next to a bolt action rifle capable of receiving it, and that Police would be cool with that?
    Yes it is basic, it's only difficult if you choose to make it so. All law is open to interpretation.

    Police need to be able to show an offence has been committed, if you have a perfectly legitimate reason for owning the magazine then it is a defence. Having the magazine between the two guns in your example is not an offence.

  2. #47
    Join Date
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    RO Told me that if I didn't have an e cat he would have asked me to stop shooting it or remove it. I didn't think he was correct but didn't know enough to tell him he was wrong.

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by rs200nz View Post
    RO Told me that if I didn't have an e cat he would have asked me to stop shooting it or remove it. I didn't think he was correct but didn't know enough to tell him he was wrong.
    Was that at the Riverhead range ?

    But good action by you, arguing to the RO that you're right and they're wrong only gets heard @150 times a day And some are certainly more stubborn than others.

  4. #49
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    Yeah it was at riverhead. You are right. It just isnt worth the argument. I find most of them are pretty good guys but there is a guy there who is on a serious power trip.

    He doesnt bother me as I try to follow the rules as much as possible but man you should hear him tell his story about being a right to have a gun licence in NZ and for continuing the tradition of shooting. It is Full on. Would love to record it.

    Very moving

  5. #50
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    Yeah it's morons like that, that give RO's a bad name. Not every RO is a wanker - contrary to popular belief

    Personally don't have a lot of time for people like that, Riverhead seems to attract more than most other ranges I've been at. RO's duty is ensure safety for everyone, including new and old shooters. Mind you, that's probably worthy of a very long winded and detailed thread somewhere else.....
    rs200nz likes this.

  6. #51
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    Owing an A-cat AR-15 + a bolt action rifle with 'MSSA' features

    Quote Originally Posted by Dannz View Post
    Here's another quirk of the rules. Import restrictions for parts. I got confirmation from my AO that I can import a 10 round magazine without a permit, but I would have to prove to Customs that I didn't intend to fit it to a semi-auto. I wonder how one would prove this.
    Or to a judge... A 10rd AR15 mag is a MSSA part according to customs.. And importing one with a permit prior to it hitting the nz border is an offence.
    And then you spend 2 yrs backwards and forwards to court until you finally run out of money for the lawyer or give up....

  7. #52
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    This guy is certainly comfortable with it

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  8. #53
    Join Date
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    Christchuch New Zealand
    Going back to the original questions re AR mags that fit into non-semi auto rifles and owning an A cat rifle that it will fit. There is a simple way to solve this if you want to own both. You simply alter the fit of the magazine like Izhmash did with the Saiga. You can do one of two things: Add a small lump / lug to the semi auto rifle that blocks the magazine from fitting then adjust you semi auto mags so that only they fit. This way you can use your 7 shot semi mags in you pump / bolt or waht ever action you have, but the Hi cap ones will only fit the non semi auto and will not engage the semi.

    If you can show that in its current form the magazine will not function in the semi but will fit into the non-semi then you should have no problems. Thus if you have a Saiga then the AK Hi cap mags will not fit without it being altered to accommodate them.

  9. #54
    Grant grunzter's Avatar
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    ...I know the RO you talk about above, met him many times (its pretty easy from your description).
    He is not a bad bloke and is normally a very accomodating and helpful chap.
    Maybe on the occasion you mention above it was a long day, or he hoped out of bed the wrong way, or he just got too excited...

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I even had someone try to tell me that my 1916 P14 was an 'e' category rifle lol. It has a bayonet lug but it is bolt action. It isn't self loading like the law states.

  11. #56
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rs200nz View Post
    I even had someone try to tell me that my 1916 P14 was an 'e' category rifle lol. It has a bayonet lug but it is bolt action. It isn't self loading like the law states.
    Just 'another' prick who doesnt understand 'written words'.......
    rs200nz likes this.
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

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  12. #57
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouser View Post
    Just 'another' prick who doesnt understand 'written words'.......
    You got it



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