Crimestoppers..another name for Gun Control NZ?
Nope, but if removing the fuel or house contents was as quick as easy as removing my rifle bolt I might. It's just an easy extra precaution, and I would get some small satisfaction if any rifles stolen were unusable.
My car has an alarm and immobiliser, and the house a monitored alarm, and I use them in addition to locking the doors - call me crazy if you wish!
If someone really wants them they will get them, no matter what you do. The best firearm security is the crims not knowing you have any. So far I have been burgled twice (the second one was a targeted attempt at the firearms), but haven't suffered a home invasion.
And a life sentence.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
It's worse than that. The registry is deliberately internet facing. It's when, not if it gets compromised.
Mcilraith tried to explain it away and talk to me like an idiot when I raised this at his "roadshow".It's only when i started quoting nz information security manual that he shut his trap. I thought he was an ass hole.
I'm curious what classification the registry will be as well.
Well it sure as hell isn't the Mongols, H.A., H.H., the Mongrels or the Black mobs.....
well I dont really hide the fact Im a hunter....decoys all over the section,deer get taken out of wagon and hung in garage,meat gets shared with neighbours and work mates. I go in and out of house into car etc with rifle or shotgun..heck Ive been taking rifle to work the last couple of weeks to shoot hares on boss's farm and hopefully catch up with pigs rooting up paddocks.....
the guy at mainfreight who rang you to collect firearm from main depot...the folks who over heard him,the office girl who processed the paperwork...the guys at gunshitty you bought it off....the police who gave you licence,the person who inspected your safe,your references,the people who looked at employing your wife to look after children in your home..... your insurance company and their employees..the local garage where you take car for warrent of fitness...
need I go on????
didnt mention facebook,twitter,snapchats etc...anyone who knows or recognises you on social media and ties that to hunting/shooting has fair idea you will have firearms....the local butcher employs folks......the list of possibilities is endless...far better to have things as secure as you can,than to hope no body knows you have them.