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Thread: Recent E-cat safe deals/inspections?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Question Recent E-cat safe deals/inspections?

    Planning to finally join a pistol club, and leaning towards a E-cat safe with internal lockable compartment for ammo, rather than getting a pistol safe and a separate ammo safe.

    Been looking at reloaders for the extreme security 8 gun ecat safe ($1099), the KILWELL 10 gun ecat ($1299) is on the bulkier side for my tiny collection at the moment.

    Extreme Security E Cat Safe 8 Gun - Safes & Safe Accessories - Reloaders Supplies Ltd

    Anyone had experience with the that safe? Or any recent successful B-cat/E-cat inspection stories?

    The police storage guideline using a lot of "shall", "should", making it quite vague.

    "A cabinet should be bolted to a minimum of two surfaces, one of which shall be the floor. Bolt shafts shall be a minimum of 10 mm in diameter and when bolted into concrete, expanding or chemical setting bolts may be used. Where the cabinet is bolted to a wooden floor it shall be through bolted to a steel plate which exceeds the floor area of the cabinet and is retained on at least two floor joists."

    I'd have the choices of putting the safe in the downstairs spare room's wardrobe (concrete slab), or the upstairs spare room's wardrobe if I can manage to drag that thing upstairs - the only way to put a steel plate under the wooden floor would be cutting open the ceiling in the downstairs room, is that something to be expected or considered safe?

    Now think again, I'm leaning towards the downstairs room, just need to get a impact drill n masonry bits I suppose... any thoughts? Thanks...

  2. #2
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Shall means you have to do it. Should means do it to keep the vettor happy. Maybe ring the local AO to see which safe they prefer. Some vettors have been very anal about which ones they will allow.
    If using dynabolts a 10mm dynabolt does NOT have a 10mm diameter bolt, you need a 12mm dynabolt to meet the 10mm rule.
    I did 4 bolts into concrete floor and 3 into wall. Do more than is what is needed and you will make the vettor happy.
    When doing the security check make sure the vettor does not see where you keep the keys (unless it is in you pocket), my vettor said he had failed a number of people after they took the keys off the key rack in front of him.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    so what if you want to use merlin screws into the concrete floor, these are selp tapping into concrete and are bloody strong. also you can unscrew them leaving nothing more than a hole unlike dynabolts

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Thanks, will pay AO a visit once the training course starts.

    Yeah read something along that line, vetting officer asked wife to open safe, wife got the key, kiss license bye bye...

  5. #5
    5.56 AzumitH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonetropo View Post
    so what if you want to use merlin screws into the concrete floor, these are selp tapping into concrete and are bloody strong. also you can unscrew them leaving nothing more than a hole unlike dynabolts
    expanding or chemical setting bolts may be used
    Chemsets or dynabolts only I'm afraid.

    Not that many vettors would be able to tell the difference.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by hauraki View Post
    Thanks, will pay AO a visit once the training course starts.

    Yeah read something along that line, vetting officer asked wife to open safe, wife got the key, kiss license bye bye...
    That's a bit ridiculous as they will also ask you if something happens to you who will be able to access safe, retrieve firearms. This is where all the confusion comes from as its potluck what each of them is interested in.
    Just make sure it doesn't move when they try and shake it, even if it isn't into much solid. Having things like a monitored alarm if in City sounds good. Tuck it away out of sight if possible.

  7. #7
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    I used 10mm 'screw bolts' into a 10mm hole. Better in every way from a dyna bolt, if the inspector whinges I'll just bring up the KN ratings which are higher than dyna bolts.
    Tommy and gonetropo like this.

  8. #8
    MSL is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by AzumitH View Post
    Chemsets or dynabolts only I'm afraid.

    Not that many vettors would be able to tell the difference.
    Not sure why you are saying it's those two only.
    It says that they 'may' be used, that doesn't mean that one of those two 'must' be used. The self tapping concrete bolts meet the criteria.



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