So there is. I'll blame it on chemo brain. Thats what the old guys in my ward call it.
15 rounds is a pretty uncommon capacity for a 5.56 AR mag. Actually never seen one.
If it is the flat mates, then there real dumb shits, as the police will go down every avenue for stolen firearms, especially an AR15, serious firepower there! not exactly a single shot 'break open' shottie, is it???????
While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
15 round mag, unless its a bolt action or 22LR is a Cat E. If the AR15 wasnt stored in a Cat E approved safe I'd wonder on him keeping his FAL. Even owning a 15round mag for the semi wouldnt be fun for him, having both stolen, he might need a lot of KY.
Kind of explains what looks like effort to get it....
They seem more occupied with finding the guns at the mo but id say he will have issues shortly for having it.
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
When I read the title the other day I thought it was yours stolen. Guess thats one consolation and a reminder to keep everything in order
Yep, id be dam near suicidal if it was mine. Not that iv got much to nick but i need what i have.
Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
With regards to the insurance cover, Im pretty sure you can specify an amount you want them valued for. I know when I did mine they recorded how much each setup was worth. I dictated the price as with most peoples setups they are not all straight factory. Hope this helps
I have been thru this with when i was changing insurance companys last year and no insurance company will cover "sporting goods" for replacement value.They wouldent even let me insure each gun seperately.
The best i could get on my hunting rifle was "depreciated value" which is they de-value the price depending on age and dont care what it is realy worth or what condition it is in.
They also wont tell you how much they depreciate it by untill a Claim is made.
When my 303 was stolen i got less than $20 dollars for it!......Cunts!!!!!
And a knife that i paid 120 bucks for two days erlier was paid out at $66 and this was after arguing with them.
Cunts the lot of em.
I wouldn't even bother if it wasn't a condition of my mortgage .
Sent from my GT-S5360T using Tapatalk 2
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
I used to have a couple of separate policys for guns when I only had a few
When I went to add more was told it wasnt needed as covered under contents
Got them to put it in writing
When we moved banks and insurance just recently, I specified I wanted separate cover for the guns and gave them a value.
Regardless of the amount or value, once again, covered under contents, even though the value is more than $1500 for sporting goods. - got it in writing
However, the pricks then stitch us up with a Policy for the Mrs ring (or as I call it - 'what could have been my new Seadoo')... even though my guns are worth 3x as much
You can get cheap wireless alarm systems - under $1k and E cat safes for similar - thats bugger all compared to what most of us have invested in bang sticks
Even if its just in the area where you safe is, a blaring alarm is going to deter most from having to spend time with an angle grinder etc cutting into a decent safe
spanners has a good point on the safe
your friendly picks at your insurance company will also depreciate your firearms to the point that you cant replace them
FMG cover fireams up to $1500 per rifle under the contents policy but as sporting goods so not covered while hunting etc. I have individual policys for full replacement value for a few others cost is $25-$30 a year, house is alarmed and an e cat safe. Bit of a rebate on the contents premium for having an alarm.