Just like black powder, been in the bag a while?if I didn't have my wife with me on my trip to Auck I'd call in and give you some shit tomorrow!
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Just as well you reminded me, I'll wear my patch
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Were the fucken did you get that photo of me!
Boom, cough,cough,cough
I was hunting with a mate once and we had stopped for a bit, so I decided to unchamber the round from my rifle (semi 22).
After our rest he wanted to take my gun for a blat, so went off by himself. When I caught up with him he was mighty pissed, as he tried to shoot something but the gun didn't fire.
I always would check to see the condition of a rifle I was just handed, and I guess he did from then on too.
I probably should have shown/told him it was empty, maybe I did. It was when I was much much younger, so can't remember all details.
I do that to myself more than enough. Always drop the mag, open the bolt, catch the round and pop it back in the top of the mag. Though after doing so will quite often close the bolt on a checked empty chamber to keep the dust out if the conditions are bad. This is just handing the rifle to myself when I work a gate. It has caused the odd bit of very good luck for a few rabbits.
If handing to someone else it is empty and checked by both people, or occasionally it will be stated 'Bolt locked closed on an empty chamber, treat as loaded.'
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
Im always surprised by the number of pics I see of people with a dead animal, and the bolt on half cock.
Or a rifle leaning against a tree in the bush on half cock.
Not sure what that’s all about. I always wonder if the chamber is empty?
I thought this was mandatory and discussed at length while sitting your FAL, it has been a while but do the mountain safety dudes still do the licence test and are they not teaching this anymore ?
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
When I done mine I had to do the MS thing, Was just a dvd and test afterwards. My cousin had to do a half a day on a farm learning how to use a firearm he reckons
I don't think dvds were invented when I did mine
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt