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Thread: Semi Autos - Possible Interesting Development

  1. #31
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    I don t own any semi's but think this is bullshit.

    Any of you literate law/politics understanding type people going to post up something us semiliterate non law/politics understanding types can copy paste/add remove bits so we can lobby?

    cos lets face it you dont want me or half of the rest of us spouting off incoherent misspelled unpunctuatted drivel cos it will just make us look bad as a whole.
    tetawa, 40bung, Scouser and 4 others like this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  2. #32
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    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    gundoc would be qualified to comment here based on his "starring" when the plods hamfisted attempts to classify MSSA's by a freestanding pistolgrip alone was challenged in the courts.
    Justice Jillian Mallon made no bones about kicking police arse in her judgement -all 33 pages of it.
    the crux of it is simple
    POLICE are not judge jury and executioner-poli's make laws ,courts interperet them -police act on those interpretations,and she was crystal clear on this.
    P38 likes this.

  3. #33
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    I imagine that if they were going to go down this route it would exclude rimfire and shotguns because of the many reasons mentioned here.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Christchuch New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Jexla View Post
    I imagine that if they were going to go down this route it would exclude rimfire and shotguns because of the many reasons mentioned here.
    Indeed. They wont want to target what the crims are actually using as that will simply create a difficult workload. Better to concentrate on those that will probably comply......Less effort needed for stats to look good for the bosses.

  5. #35
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    If I get a spare moment this week I will tally up the 100 most recent entries into the arms book at work into semi-auto A cats. and other A cats, but my guess at the moment is about 30% semi's. Multiply that even by the conservative estimate from the 1990's of 1,000,000 firearms in NZ, and you have 300,000. Imagine the poor cops/arms officers being told that:
    "Right lads, were looking to track down an unknown number of firearms, probably about three hundred thousand, we need to get the owners to register them but we have no idea who has what so here is a list of the 250,000 license holders. Hop to it."
    sometimes likes this.

  6. #36
    Member sometimes's Avatar
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    When they banned semi autos in Australia plumbers sold out of large plastic pipe and end caps .Normal story make life hard for law abiding citizens criminals get busted with illegal firearms what do they have to lose nothing .In this day and age if you have the money you can get anything you want the law only works for the people who live by them
    Steve123 likes this.

  7. #37
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by sometimes View Post
    When they banned semi autos in Australia plumbers sold out of large plastic pipe and end caps .Normal story make life hard for law abiding citizens criminals get busted with illegal firearms what do they have to lose nothing .In this day and age if you have the money you can get anything you want the law only works for the people who live by them
    this is particularly apt cause I read recently somewhere that aussie "authorities" are complaining about container loads of assorted AK47 type arms entering the country illegally,and them being apparently unable to figure a modus operandi to counter this
    .mind you given theaussie polis antics over there in last 2yrs Id be buggered if i could figure out a decent way to even govern aussie sensibly
    sometimes and timattalon like this.

  8. #38
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Firearms Community Advisory Forum Minutes | New Zealand Police

    The May 2016 FCAF minutes can be found here. Some "interesting" comments from police here, IMO indicating a change of attitude towards our firearms control regime. I'll let you all think for yourselves but to me it seems they are keen for universal registration and the way they talk about semi autos is like they already don't consider them sporting firearms.

  9. #39
    5.56 AzumitH's Avatar
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    Still like to know what the fuck is a sporterized MSSA.
    Jexla likes this.

  10. #40
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Had a quick read, looks like they don't know what they are talking about, oh well here we go again.

    Interesting commentaries about controlling ammo imports through import licenses. After conceding that it was not that easy to import ammo and that people would just "manufacture" they decided that maybe the import of powder would need a license.. then OK well that was controlled under hazardous goods legislation Are we paying these people??

  11. #41
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    I found the comment about people choosing to manufacture their own ammo particularly ridiculous

  12. #42
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    Nowhere in there did I see any mention of improving the security of firearm storage.

    Given that most of the recently stolen "high powered assault rifles" have been A category firearms and that the minimum security requirements for this class of firearm is woefully inadequate, surely a fundamental principle of preventing these from falling into the wrong hands should be to ensure that they're difficult to get hold of in the first instance?

    Instead of going after things like magazines (the horse has looooong since bolted on that) and proposing buybacks (expensive), perhaps the government should look at offering a subsidy to those A category FLIC holders to upgrade their firearms storage to B/C/E standard as a more cost effective option and without pissing off thousands of people in the process.

    I lol'd at the proposed prohibition orders. If a criminal's offered an illegal firearm from someone, does one really think they're going to stop and think "hmm, I've a prohibition order against me, I shouldn't do this"? Probably not because criminals tend not to obey laws. That's why they're called criminals.

    Just enforce the laws already on the books with regard to theft of firearms, illegal possession of firearms etc.

  13. #43
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    With some of the blades and cutting wheels available today, a E cat safe is no hassle to enter. The deterrent needs to be in the courts, not the licenced firearm owner.
    veitnamcam, mikee, 308 and 4 others like this.

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Hawkes Bay
    Had a quick read, lots of generalisations and exaggerations.

    The comments around AR rifles in the latest minutes were incorrect, and angled to produce an effect.

    Real shame, those people were meant to be intelligent.
    A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time

  15. #45
    308 is offline
    Member 308's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tetawa View Post
    With some of the blades and cutting wheels available today, a E cat safe is no hassle to enter. The deterrent needs to be in the courts, not the licenced firearm owner.
    True that - what worries me the most is the idiocy of governments when it comes to data security - they know where all the E-cat owners live and that would be a helluva shopping list. I don't see any proposals on the part of them to secure that information above and beyond what they have already
    Knoxy_09 likes this.



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