Well that's your opinion and he has one as wellhow about showing him how its done then
Well that's your opinion and he has one as wellhow about showing him how its done then
If you cannot get a job, sit down and have a bloody good look at yourself and sort what YOUR problem is, because most employers are looking for GOOD people and there maybe your prob. Its like owning firearms, jobs are not a right, they are a priviledge!! IMHO.
Boom, cough,cough,cough
I have enough trouble with my own staff's problems without looking after anyone else's.
Have a chat to oncle winny he,l sort it out
An opinion is evidence/information that has bearing on the issue. Before it can be evidence it has to be relevant and admissible. On that basis you are still wrong about firearm ownership, it is a legal right recognised in legislation. So your opinion is worthless and not relevant - so not admissible, it also has no weight because you are just incorrect.
You are however correct about obtaining a job. Its not a right. Once you have it of course your ability to keep it is controlled by legal rights that apply to both parties.
Opinions are not feelings, nor are they unjustiable thoughts. Opinions are information and analysis coming from competance and capacity, that has bearing on the issue. It has to be relevant before it can be offered. It shouldn't be offered unless it comes from competance.
So you are partly right about one aspect. That would get you about 12.5%.... a bare pass mark for a quarter of the topics covered.
Why is it everyone seems to believe that their opinion actually matters, when all they are doing is saying what they want to think, rather than what actually is?
Given the public perception, I am a lone voice....
its all just so sloppy, and I reserve the right to exercise my grumpy old man about the idiotic public perception fed by stupid media that somehow everyones opinions matter. Accurate, relavent and competant opinions matter... the rest is just useless white noise, that demeans relevant contribution and promotes misunderstanding.
Now while firearms ownership is a legal right, I choose to think of it as both a priviledge and a responsibility. That promotes me to be careful and thankful for our legally recognised freedoms.
But don't let some knobby policeman tell me that my legal rights are a priviledge exercised at their discretion. Wrong, they are agent for society to ensure that I meet the requirements of the law in order for me to be granted my rights under the law.
The finer points of that are of course lost on the masses with opinions.
perhaps after you have explained how I am not wrong but not right and offered reasons for that....I might actually agree with you about a lot of people....
but that doesn't change what reality is irrespective of how you want to feel about it...perceptions are not the measure by which the law is applied....
and you ain't got a mandate on the real world either...
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms