The really light suppressors get rid of some noise but they are still in the dB range that damages hearing.
If it doesn't drop the dB range enough, you are just carrying weight for no purpose other than looks.
The really light suppressors get rid of some noise but they are still in the dB range that damages hearing.
If it doesn't drop the dB range enough, you are just carrying weight for no purpose other than looks.
I just can't agree with that, even though I can see where you are coming from.
Hearing damage is not a on or off thing so even if it's in the damage zone it's still better to be lower down in it.
If you're deciding to use muffs or more likely earplugs instead of a can then they are very unlikely to drop you all the way down into the safe zone.
Even with a good can I'll use hearing protection if there is time, have lost way to much already and most of its is shooting related.
Using Tapatalk
Suppressors are awesome, however soon people will realise that they are a specific purpose item, you need to match the unit to the type of hunting or shooting you do (Iv tested and popped with realitive ease most Suppressors if not all available in NZ)
As a rule of thumb if you have an AR15 or AR10 stay away from anything that is not stainless steel UNLESS!! And this is important) if you are going to purely hunt with it and sustain a rate of fire similar to your average bolt gun all the lightweight units are just fine.
I currently have a cheap light aluminium can on my M&P 10 as I needed to keep the weight down but often find myself hunting without hearing protection and while it's not the quietest unit I'm still very happy it's on instead of a 308 blasting 14.5 inches from my face.
Last edited by Dr. Watson; 14-07-2015 at 07:55 AM.
What about lightweight alloy suppressors on magnum calibres? Are they really going to last with the extra velocity, powder burn and pressure from a magnum?
Steel suppressors will be too heavy to carry round especially on an alpine rig, which is why I just use a muzzle break instead.
Like you say Dr Watson, they have a specific purpose.
Save our Tahr. They belong in the southern alps.
D Watson, i think the same but would be pissd carrying your AR in the scrub with its mag and sling up top in the way
Yeah I mostly hunt with a 5 rnd ... Also I pretty much shoot something everyday with this rifle... Is it better to carry than a tikka hacked off with a can ? No probably not... But shooting isn't a novelty activity for me and if I'm going to shoot a rifle everyday.. It's not going to be something lame.
That said its only a little over minimum length, when it's on my back it sits flat upside down... The stock sits below the top of my shoulder and the can doesn't really protrude past my right hip... Not the best, but not too bad