Kind of my point Micky. Limits are designed knowing not everyone will achieve them often. If you make it easy to get the limit, the limit might be 2 per day.
Wil hunters be happy and accept that?
Blinds under 600mm above ground were not allowed, mechanised decoys is another that shows some potential to harm populations. But we have sen the push back if mention of those being removed is brought up.
But regions are different...same as deer,very very few places around here have issues with deer. Quite a few have hundreds of not thousands of ducks... If limits are enforced and people behave it can work. No different to fish numbers n limits. Catch n release has been proven to be double edged sword. Here in central South island I allowed to shoot 50 mallards a day,hundy for weekend. Thirty odd is best we have managed and that doesn't change if two people or four are there,we still don't shoot over fourty for weekend. Deer I shoot one dress it out and go home.very seldom shoot two at once.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Whats your point? how does it relate too what Im saying?
One part of what Im saying is that in the regions where duck population has suffered from a collapse, the goal is no longer to maximise kill rate. But that when pushed, hunters did not want the toys that helped maximise kill rate taken away. Despite thier ability to use such having been a relatively short term event.
My point is this. If properly managed it doesn't matter what you use to kill your bag limit.once it's reached its reached. We have far too many ducks n geese down here in places. Up north not so much. So we have bugger bag limits. Bruce n Brian shoot lots of deer and give meat away ,flyblow. Shots to waste after filling freezer...down here I put every bit of venison I shoot in freezer,I have no surplus.. taking toys away is irrelevant.your bag limit is your limit.
75/15/10 black powder matters
I agree, I'm not a fan of trophys (don't get much anyway but I have mounted a lovely set of cast antlers from a friends farm. They're more of a reminder of the time I spent with him as opposed to the actual animal. I eventually did shoot that stag to mix up the bloodlines a bit but didn't keep that rack as it was still soft.
Both Bruce, Brian and flyblown "hunt"in areas where forestry or inaccessible doc land have allowed numbers to balloon and spill out into the surrounding area. Ben waiamata is in the same boat. Population density, geography, ownership and access are a part of the equation. Private land isn't part of his argument, or if it is it shouldn't be.
Happy Jack.
I missed this earlier. This is the kind of honesty I was after in asking the 1080/pest questions.
I understand your position and have no real problem with it.
hell Id take you for a hunt any day. My overall worry is that hunters get too accustomed too using thermal. Right now thats no problem. But if the situation changes and we dont need it as a kill maximiser. Who would volunteer to give it up?
No I don't get your brought up ducks.... You brought up the worry when population got low folks don't want to comply... Thermal devices for SPOTTING game could actually help stags survive.... Cause I normally shoot first deer I see. IF I had stag over here but hind over there....I then have choice to go target the breeding unit. As it is I very seldom shoot stags in velvet..done it couple of times n don't like it at all. Besides,hinds n yearlings much easier to carry.
75/15/10 black powder matters
The example of ducks and semi autos is relevant, but maybe not as intended.
Some areas did have crashed populations but I believe that was more due to land use changes than semi auto shotguns. The situation has to be viewed in its entirety, not just through the lens you wish to examine.
Deer are the same. We all hunt for different reasons. I live on venison and gamebirds - probably 10% or less of my meat is bought. Notwithstanding that, I think of hunting as worshipping in the outdoor church - it is good for my soul. I don't trophy hunt - after 40+ years of hunting I have a single set of tusks, and a antler I found in a creek on a special day. I'm thinking about a thermal, but in no rush to buy, and to answer a previous question, I prefer hinds and yearlings, but I'll happily shoot a stag if that's what is on offer.
Who (anybody) are you to dictate what is right for me?