It's definitely not entirely to blame but was an impediment. What I was getting at re. lockdown non vetting is that the applications couldn't be processed. The bulk of a firearms licence application is the face to face vetting procedures. The earlier pre lockdown applications were obviously slow getting processed in some but not all districts. It was also compounded by the fact that all unrelated referee interviews had to be done face to face post the 2019 firearm legislative changes. Previously, an unrelated referee interview for a renewal licence could be conducted by phone. I believe that has since been changed to a secure video interview for out of district unrelated referee's.
We all know that our current woke government is not firearms friendly. We should also not forget that National and NZ First also went along with the 'making NZ safer' agenda of Labour post the ChCh shootings to mollify their voting base and subsequently throw FAL holders under the bus.