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Thread: Trampers 'frightened' by unspecified proximity of hunters.

  1. #46
    Member specweapon's Avatar
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    TBH me and a mate ended up at that track looking for some wallabies to shoot and were surprised how many campers and walkers were around, I left because I knew it was just a fucking hazard to hunt even with fully identifying targets.
    Having a walking track at the end of this rd is just asking for trouble mainly due to the unbelievably poor access to the Mt Nimrod Doc land, near this rd are multiple access points marked on topo but all turned out to be private farm rds and very heavily locked and monitored, many people must make the same assumption for access.
    We even got a call from police the next day to visit the station to explain why we had been spotted at daybreak at the gate 2m behind the sign in the photo loading guns, probably exacerbated by my carrying an AR with 30rnd mag, apparently a huge issue with poaching in the area and farmer had multiple cameras. We doorknocked the area and found a few farmers wanted payment to shoot their wallabies and others told us to move off.
    Luckily found a good bugger at the other end of the Nimrod Doc land that let us drive on and hunt his farm for deer as long as we shot every wallaby we saw, he was rewarded with bottles of wine, crays and paua
    Tahr, veitnamcam, Bryan and 6 others like this.

  2. #47
    Member Dead is better's Avatar
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    These media stories almost always say "using a HIGH powered rifle." Inferring the person in question is kind of a dick for over doing it. Only noting it's absence from this article because it kind stuck out. Guess they forgot to exadurate this time...

  3. #48
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    There's a bloke down the road with some Clydesdale standard breed crosses, looking at getting one myself @Tussock

  4. #49
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    Well it sounds like you'll need to borrow my lot for that exercise too.

    But come up for a cruise, he's got a heap of horses. Unbroken but I'm looking forward to that challenge.

  5. #50
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    There is a foto in the HB Tramping Club of a trip in the Ureweras and commentary of Phil Janssen's machine which is doing venison recovery which comes over and informs them of what they are doing so as not to frighten them Good pr? or plain common sense. Needless to say the trampers were happy campers with the info.
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  6. #51
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    My workplace is running a photo competition next month. Photos need to show me "doing my bit to clean up the environment". I think I'll take some selfies surrounded by dead feral goats and see how that goes down with the Nancy brigade.

    Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
    Grim, Wirehunt, veitnamcam and 7 others like this.

  7. #52
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    The problem the trampers have is they are working themselves and their fat guts and high cortisol levels (heart disease) into a fervour over nothing...

    ...The media is arrayed against us, because they are the lowest form of human scum. There is nothing in human society less deplorable than a modern journalist. All the drug dealers murderers and rapists combined cause less harm and misery than those parasites. Not least of all, because those parasites take the misery created by said crooks and go out of their way to amplify it. The "news" is selected from a big pool of information. If we really looked at the filters they use, and asked ourselves why the information has those specific filters on it, we might never look again...

    ...Off track tramping is very nearly a thing of the past. So if a tramper falls off the track, chances are it will not be a tramper coming to get them...
    You know Tussock, some of your wild inaccurate generalisations would fit in quite well with the media 'industry'. If you want to set a better example then maybe you shouldn't follow their pattern, even if it does get you responses on the internet...

    Your comments about trampers are about as accurate as saying that hunters are lazy rednecks who only walk half an hour from their shiny 4wd then drunkenly blast at anything that moves in the hope that its a deer, before leaving their empty beer cans and cigarette butts scattered through the bush on the way out.

    Trying to create negative stereotypes for other users of the backcountry (like trampers) probably isn't going to help you make a more positive one for hunters - especially when a large number of people are in both groups.
    Last edited by GravelBen; 26-08-2015 at 01:29 PM.
    EeeBees likes this.

  8. #53
    ebf is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    Why exactly would one seek responses on the internet? Half of them will be like yours.

    The only people who write like I write are the ones who do not pay to much attention to the responses. If we did, we would have stopped a long time ago.
    T, seeing as you claim superior reading and comprehension, go back over this thread and re-read your posts in light of Hotchkiss 7 indicators of narcissim
    Pointer, Savage1 and EeeBees like this.
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  9. #54
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    I'm a narcisist, we all are... we are all on the scale... same with any other pscyhological condition. Where about you are on the scale is the telling factor. The only good thing about the real narcissists is that ultimately their lack of empathy for and with other people dooms them to isolation, and their ability to negitively effect others is limited. Any benefit to others of course is also lost.

    Being right all the time is a bitch... and ultimately its debilitating.

    I am a wee bit older than Tussock, the advantage of youth in general is that you are less likely to know what you don't know. That is the conundrum, because it is also a disadvantage. I have found myself less certain as I get older, less arbitrary, and more indecisive. Now that might be hard for some of you to accept, but you don't know just how certain I was earlier in life....

    We need convicted people, we need opinionated people (that can reason, not just emote), we need narcissists because they are less polite - just because they are narcissists it doesn't make them wrong...

    I have enjoyed reading this thread.... but as with all things, sometimes its a little simplistic. Our world is more complex than we would like it to be most of the time. Its also a lot less of a conspiracy than most imagine. I would consider it a natural progression, given human influence. It may well be due for correction, history would certainly not argue against that idea.

    Ideals and conviction are claimed as the preserve of the young, ideas however are almost never original, and tempered with time and reality can become the cynicism or the resignation of experience... That can be a pity as well; energy is important but there is almost nothing new under the sun in the human condition. Some of that can be better learnt from some who have seen more of it.

    I think that we have forgotten that whilst plugged into our google search engines.... and while we listen undiscerningly to those that compete for our attention...
    Pointer, Savage1, ebf and 1 others like this.

  10. #55
    ebf is offline
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    Wise words Sidney

    Yes Tussock, I do think you are a narcissist. That is not necessarily a bad thing. When there is a large disconnect between the persona you have built up through your posts and actions that are not congruent with that persona, we hit a snag...

    So if you are calm you do what feels right... Would right still be right from a narcissist point of view ?

    How do you act when you are not calm... ? Probably a much better indicator of a person's true inner compass...
    EeeBees likes this.
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  11. #56
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    Narcissis or what ever personality disorder, I think that we are all on a spectrum to a greater or lesser degree.

    Personally Tussock, I think that you write a load of bull shit and disconnected ramble. I read it though, because I am curious about what is really under your cloak. I wonder what the authentic Tussock really thinks.

    There would be a risk in this though, revealing the authentic self, because when we do that we risk revealing ourselves as being vulnerable and ordinary human beings.

    It's braver to be Clark Kent than it is to be Superman.

  12. #57
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    I don't 'spose that there is any chance of me talking you into attending theorpy then Tussock?

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    I really can't make that much sense of your ideas. I can see why you think mine are incoherent, as your take on things makes zero sense to me.

    I'm the one spouting ideas that are unconventional. You can't help but think its spin, but in reality, I'm opening myself up to ridicule am I not?

    And is this not demonstrated by your very comment, right here, ridiculing me?

    You just popped in for a little ridicule. You added your standard "oh, I'm not really interested enough to comment" comment to your comment, and then said I write a load of bullshit.

    Yet I don't recall you ever having presented so much as a single original or controversial idea.

    So I am here, all vulnerable and exposed, copping some nice ridicule and invalidating your statement having put my ideas out there. Just how I like it

    I'm not right all the time, but I am rarely wrong when arguing with people who are condescending, but have no grasp of logic.
    You are correct that I don't have any original ideas, but incorrect that I don't have any controversial ones.

    You have recast my comments as an attack on yourself, when they were actually an attack on the shit you talk. I feel as secure about this as I do about there being a disconnect between what you say and what you you actually think.
    I don't think that you are full of shit, but I think most of what you say is.

  14. #59
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    I'm past my period of high activity for the day. I will come back to this.

    But save to say, I never said it would not work. My first post here I think was a about a rifle being organised for a young lady which I criticised for being pandering, patronising macho bullshit. I was rounded on for it.
    Last edited by Tahr; 26-08-2015 at 05:48 PM.
    BRADS likes this.

  15. #60
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    Brilliant. Enjoying this immensely



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