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Thread: TV3 & Guncity mistake

  1. #466
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    yeah course it is
    serial number required etc or else no go
    personally it doesn't bother me but I can see it would upset some people.

    Interesting that @JoshC as my wife doesn't hold a firearms licence and there was no mention of any bother sending it to my place
    Guess they would be the same AO, unless yours was done in Invercargill
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  2. #467
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    I used one of the new forms just over a week ago. I was thinking " here we go, how long is this going to take?" I was pleasantly surprised.
    I filled out the form at 6pm thurs..... got a call from the arms oficer at 7am the next morning and the completed form emailed to me a couple of minutes later..... easy as!
    Ammo arrived monday mornin!
    Also delivered to my work no problem.

  3. #468
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshC View Post
    Recently done the same thing. Form gets emailed from station to AO, who then checks details and emails to seller. In my case last week, they wouldn't let me use my work address as a delivery even though everyone at my workplace holds a valid firearms license and someone's there all the time to sign for it--we all hunt together. And I was then told I couldn't have it sent to my home address cos the wife doesn't have a firearms license. So the AO informed me that I had to organise shipping depot to depot. That's an unnecessary pain in the arse if you ask me.
    You should have asked what is the difference if your wife had a licence, to the guys at your work? That argument would not stand up in a court.
    1. They have all been vetted all hold valid licenes
    2. As such there not braking the law.
    3. ...? So no difference bettween the two/ apart form the sexs
    Wanted to put give me my facken guns but thought better of it

  4. #469
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Better not let the courier touch it then. Possibly no license. What was once a usable system is now a cluster fuck. Nobody at the station in my town wants to know about a mail order form unless the AO is in. I usually never have time to see him because work, and usually when I do make time, he's not there.

    When I finally got a form done for some ammo, after over a week of fucking around, I found it interesting that they wanted to know what kind of rifle I'm gonna use it in. Thought it was a bit of a pointless question.
    Sideshow likes this.

  5. #470
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    Better not let the courier touch it then. Possibly no license.
    The Arms Act states that couriers/freight firms do not need a firearms licence to carry firearms/ammunition.

  6. #471
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Just goit this through nice to see some of them are on or side!

    Westminster Hall debate on "usage of lead shot in ammunition"

    On Tuesday Gerald Jones, the Labour MP for Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney, secured a one hour Westminster Hall debate on 'usage of lead shot in ammunition'. Even the title of this discussion was odd in that it seemed to exclude discussion of lead bullets, but given that Mr Jones had never previously shown any interest in shooting it may just have been a misunderstanding.

    He read out his opening statement from a script which sounded remarkably similar to the public statements made by the RSPB and Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. Indeed it was noticeable that there were more staff from those organisations in attendance than the three MPs (including Mr Jones) who were willing to argue for further restrictions on lead ammunition. As I have said before it is very sad that two organisations that do so much brilliant conservation work give such priority to a campaign which, is at least in part, clearly motivated by an antipathy to shooting as a whole.

    A number of MPs, led by our own Chairman Simon Hart argued forcibly that there was no justification for a ban on lead ammunition. Simon declared an unusual interest in the debate by stating the fact that he was “probably the only Member who has been shot by a lead cartridge… It was about 35 years ago and I still carry 20 lead pellets in my left knee"' he added that "colleagues will judge whether that has affected my physical or mental state.”

    Charles Walker MP stated that “tungsten, bismuth and hevi-shot cost five to seven times as much as lead. A significant part of most people’s shooting budget.”

    Jim Shannon MP brought his experience shooting and wildfowling in Northern Ireland to the debate arguing that attempts to ban lead ammunition are “unjust and unfair and highlight the way in which science can be used and manipulated to suit a political agenda”.

    Rishi Sunak MP and Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP argued that evidence on the impact of lead ammunition in the UK has failed to pass rigorous academic scrutiny and the risks have been exaggerated. They also stated that a ban on lead would have serious implications for the gun trade, the rural economy and the natural environment

    Alex Cunningham MP, a shadow Defra Minister, was forced to concede that there was no evidence in the UK of any premature death caused by lead ammunition which prompted Simon Hart to suggest that “unless he [Cunningham] can come up with that evidence, he is doing nothing more than mischief making”.

    George Eustice MP responded for the Government and stated that since half of the Lead Ammunition Group members had resigned “we are therefore in a position in which we have no expert consensus about the impact of lead ammunition on wildlife or human health”, but did acknowledge that current compliance levels with existing legislation were disappointing.

    This is not a matter of debate and is something that all speakers agreed on. Adherence with the current restrictions for shooting wildfowl and shooting over wetlands is non-negotiable. Using lead shot in contradiction of the regulations is not only environmentally damaging, but also risks the future use of lead ammunition for all shooting. None of us should think that it is acceptable either personally, or from those who we shoot with.

  7. #472
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hamsav View Post
    I got a phone call yesterday from the cops .... just checking up on a mail order form I sent to a sports shop in the North Island in Nov 2013 , to cover the trade me purchase of a .22. They just wanted to know if it was actually me that sent the ( completed and police signed ) form and did I get the rifle . A very pleasant conversation . They must be checking up of stuff .
    Doesn't it make you wonder why they picked that transaction?

  8. #473
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshC View Post
    Recently done the same thing. Form gets emailed from station to AO, who then checks details and emails to seller. In my case last week, they wouldn't let me use my work address as a delivery even though everyone at my workplace holds a valid firearms license and someone's there all the time to sign for it--we all hunt together. And I was then told I couldn't have it sent to my home address cos the wife doesn't have a firearms license. So the AO informed me that I had to organise shipping depot to depot. That's an unnecessary pain in the arse if you ask me.
    You sure are getting the short end of the stick there mate, I'd suggest implying to your AO that they should talk to a few other AO's around the country and see if they're making those same rules up too.

  9. #474
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    AOs make their own rules! Shit it's different all over the country
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  10. #475
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    If the use of the Police "Arms Office" stamp was an absolute must in every police district, then these forgeries would be picked up very quickly. I thought that this stamp WAS standard procedure everywhere in NZ but from a lot of comments here it obviously isn't!!!! Was this the loophole that the feds have supposedly plugged?????
    We all get denigrated as naughty firearm owners because the police can't run a piss up in a brewery OR are the topdogs at police HQ deliberately allowing a fairly fail safe system to fail????

    I would never have actioned a mail order form that didn't have the Arms Office stamp in the bottom right hand corner. Now people wishing to do a mail order transaction for a firearm or ammo have to coordinate their available time at work etc to meet the possibility of someone actually being in an Arms Office when they want a mail order form actioned!!!!! How many non-event visits to the copshop would that take????? & who can just get in their vehicle & leave work or the farm or wherever & front off down to an arms office????? After 2 or 3 failed visits the boss may well get a bit testy eh?????

    Who is being put thru the hoops and seriously inconvenienced because of the police failing to have a standardised procedure right throughout NZ?????

    I'll bet that the police "Arms Manual" lays out the procedure very clearly but some arms offices fail to follow their own directions & guess who gets the shitty end of the stick???? Good old law abiding forearm owners, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
    veitnamcam and PERRISCICABA like this.

  11. #476
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    HdPA and others must be getting great glee from some of the comments on this open forum. There will be a fair few "I told you so's" and sage nodding of heads in the media.
    Last edited by zimmer; 16-12-2015 at 12:22 PM.

  12. #477
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmer View Post
    HdPA and others must be getting great glee from some of the comments on this open forum.
    Are you crediting them with the ability to read and research?
    GravelBen, Tommy and timattalon like this.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
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  13. #478
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmer View Post
    HdPA and others must be getting great glee from some of the comments on this open forum. There will be a fair few "I told you so's" and sage nodding of heads in the media.
    Zimmer me old trout, I think those wankers at TV3 will be shitting themselves not being quite sure whether "dear hubby" will get the heat taken off them or not being too sure whether GC will proceed with a private prosecution of the whole pack of the conniving bastards!!!!!

    If I was them I'd be getting my toothbrush & jammies ready for quite a few months in the slammer!!!!!

    Let's hope the hua's read THAT bit,eh????

  14. #479
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by top gun View Post
    Zimmer me old trout, I think those wankers at TV3 will be shitting themselves not being quite sure whether "dear hubby" will get the heat taken off them or not being too sure whether GC will proceed with a private prosecution of the whole pack of the conniving bastards!!!!!

    If I was them I'd be getting my toothbrush & jammies ready for quite a few months in the slammer!!!!!

    Let's hope the hua's read THAT bit,eh????
    We can only hope but in this case I am fearfully certain there will be nothing nasty happen to them, but I hope I am wrong...
    Maybe we can all wish it as a Christmas present for us. Better than the undies and singlets I normally get.
    veitnamcam likes this.

  15. #480
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    Quote Originally Posted by top gun View Post
    If the use of the Police "Arms Office" stamp was an absolute must in every police district, then these forgeries would be picked up very quickly.
    Surely they could just forge the stamp if they were so inclined.

    Quote Originally Posted by top gun View Post
    I'll bet that the police "Arms Manual" lays out the procedure very clearly but some arms offices fail to follow their own directions & guess who gets the shitty end of the stick???? Good old law abiding forearm owners, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
    Nope. It just says that the form should be "endorsed' by a member of the Police. Which can include just signing it.

    There never has been any legal requirement for a Police seal or stamp on any mail order form.

    7.14 Mail Order Sales of Firearms and Ammunition.
    Section 43A, Arms Act 1983 creates an offence to sell firearms or ammunition by “mail order” except pursuant to a written order signed by the purchaser and endorsed by Police that the member of Police has inspected their licence, and that they are fit and proper to purchase that firearm or ammunition.

    Police Arms Manual 2002



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