Richard Lincoln, not Grant. Yes, I appeared at that case and threw in my two cents worth, but Richard deserves all the credit for a superbly prepared and presented case. Even the Crown Solicitor came and congratulated him for it after the hearing finished.
Did anyone also notice that there is to be no prosecution of one of their own shooting dead an unarmed man last year? A bit like the fiasco that left an innocent van driver dead in Auckland. I have no problem with armed idiots being tipped over when they present a clear and present danger, but at least see something that looks like a weapon before firing!
You forgot to mention the rest of the story regarding the unarmed man, such as what he said to the officers and what his physical actions were. Pretty easy way to influence people with your possibly bias opinion.
As for the rest of it, Im very disappointed and know a lot of others that feel the same. Police have always got, and have always had, discretion over charging someone or not, which is a good thing.
That sort of discretion cost Greg Carvell around a million bucks I heard. I wonder where the public good was there?
We know it's bullshit castle doing it, not you guys. It's very unfortunate, I feel for you guys, the shit you have to deal with because of decisions made by the brass (that they know will happen, know that you and not them will have to deal with it, but do it anyway)As for the rest of it, Im very disappointed and know a lot of others that feel the same.
You could sell ticket to that fight Tommy
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Unfortunately no surprises here....Soper went crying into his handkerchief to Key, Mediaworks TV 3 also pleading they won't give the Nats too much shit in the next election if let Heather off their silly escapade. Police instructed to lay off.
Along with TV 1 being state owned should be nice smooth election media wise for govt
Welcome to democracy in action
thank you gundoc .For some peculiar reason I always get his(RL) name wrong. ive actually got a paper copy of her judgement in my files at home.A very bloody interesting read .
The problem with all the examples given is that they are simple examples believed to be black and white.
Whereas in reality, cases are complex with various circumstances, some mitigating. Unfortunately that doesn't suit people's pre-concieved ideas.
That's life.
OK Team,
Here's the guts hot off the press.
I have been talking to the people at the receiving end of all the TV3 shit and have it on good authority that a Private Prosecution of HER (at least) IS on the way courtesy of the lawyer chap in Auckland (Nic ?? ). I have tried to persuade the owners of GC to add at least another 5 names to the list who were involved either directly ( like Mark Weldon ex-CEO of Mediaworks,who gave the go ahead) and a few others as well who aided & abetted.
Will the guy who supplied his licence details keep his licence????? Watch out for some curly "questions in parliament" from Richard Prosser & co too.
I would like to see the firearms licence owners who were clearly involved in this stunt exposed whether actually goes anywhere legally or not to their peers in this process. If they had not of helped out giving correct details to subvent system this would not have passed 1st base.
Guarantee they will be following this post 100% if not popping the odd comment in.
We have some great laws in this country that are based on honesty. These are constantly being eroded by a few dickheads that end up with more and more red-tape and arse covering laws.
This part in particular to this whole "inside job" this is the part that really irks me the most. Where is our true, lawful & righteous justice system gone? And why hasn't there been no revocation annouced by top official police??
I know the justice system has been wonky for awhile but this is turning in to some next level s#%t!
Corruption or?
We have some great laws in this country that are based on honesty. These are constantly being eroded by a few dickheads that end up with more and more red-tape and arse covering laws.
Get over yourselves people.
Police have decided not to prosecute, a civil action may or may not happen. Whoopee - NOT
The stunt exposed a weakness in the system, and I for one am pleased that the weakness has been stopped.
FWIW I have purchased since and have had to take the form to a local Firearms Officer who then contacted the seller. Not a big problem.
Get a life folks, go use your firearms for the purposes which you bought them and give your keyboards a rest.
He's giving his opinion here is my one, gun ownership is a minority. So whatever your opinion is just consider the 90%? of voters in our democracy's opinion who dont own a gun and of them probably a significant % who dont want you to own a gun may think come election time. Appearing to be a bunch of uncontrollable nut jobs is one sure way to see us get draconian gun laws like OZ IMHO how ever unfair that is.
"I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"