We can only be grateful that you have channelled your powers for good, not evil Stretch, thank Allah you are on our side![]()
We can only be grateful that you have channelled your powers for good, not evil Stretch, thank Allah you are on our side![]()
Bigger Better Faster Stronger
Handle the Jandle, or get off the Beach
The Original Striker
Disappointing to see such irresponsible journalism!
Thanks for link to Petition 300CALMAN...signed.
Just my two cents, most of it has already been covered by previous posts but I want to get it off my chest....
TV3 have fraudulently filled out a form, not only that, they also mislead viewers in their story as to what they had actually falsified. I listened carefully to what they said about taking the form to the local police station, they said that they didn't, but they were very clever in NOT saying that they had fraudulently signed the form as a police officer... Nor did they include that part of the form in the images they showed. For me, that's just TV3 reporting done the only way they know how, the manipulation of truth they use to get all of the "TV3 masses" on their side and baying for blood is just amazing. I wonder how many of those masses however would have turned the other way had they known that Heather had actually signed the form as the police officer.... Bearing in mind of course it's not the first or last time they will use this method to get a story, sell advertising and make themselves look like the saviors of NZ.
Maybe they should have the book thrown at them, maybe they shouldn't. I feel like part of what they did has helped to highlight a bit of a "soft" area in regard to obtaining firearms from retailers over the interweb, it did all seem rather easy, whether it was done legally or not. I'm in favour of the Police sending the forms to the seller on my behalf, seems to be a logical thing to do given that I have to go there anyway, and the police are just as capable of using a fax/email as I am.
At the end of the day, mediaworks and TV3 have just sold another $1million worth of advertising, the world will keep turning, and if they don't report on it any further it will probably just blow over like every other "investigative journalism story" TV3 has ever done... The reason why I flatly refuse to watch any news bulletin anymore... They're all full of shit.
Interesting post Greg, I was wondering last night if "advertisers" are the key to this, if we raised hell with them then it might close a feedback loop, I know that this has worked in the US (but sometimes one has to be careful what one wishes for, and there's lots goes on in the US media we don't want here!!)
As Koshogi said - this looks like a standard PR stunt by Greg "The Police need to be armed!" O'Connor
A ham-fisted attempt to manipulate Mr and Mrs Citizen into worrying about firearms by using emotive terms like "firepower" and "weapons". I have no love for Gun Shitty but I certainly hope that this journo gets prosecuted.
After the "In the firing line" conference they have wheeled out Alexander Gillespie saying the usual stuff
Ninety Six percent of guns in NZ are not registered | Nine To Noon, 9:08 am on 22 October 2015 | Radio New Zealand
like that we need a buy-back and we need an amnesty and we need to register all firearms
Yeah let's punish the law-abiding FAL owners because they have been law-abiding, that makes a metric fucktonne of sense..
How about we require better security of A-cat firearms than simply a cupboard and put some funding into better training of new FAL applicants now that the Mountain Safety Council training brainfart has caused their system to implode - now that I would support but re-registering and an amnesty and buyback?
Yeah nah fuckoff with your stupidity, Greg.
The show is passed off as investigative journalism, more like creative journalism. Until last night, I never watched Heathers show "Story" and indeed it is in this case aptly named as such. I suspect ratings a plummeting and she needed the attention ( viewers ) to justify the axing John campbell.
Moral of the story, according to TV3/ Heather/ Mediaworks fraud is just a loophole ... Today I've quit my job and signed up for all the benefits I can find, If anyone wants to visit I'll be on a beach in Thailand.
Manufactured Commercial Small Arms 2010 USA Vs. Commercial Small Arms 2010 Imported to NZ
... 1,800,000.00 / 8,000.00 = 0.44%
They wouldn't have done this shit in Singapore... Be hanging by now.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dan M
Not sure if this has been posted up here...
Heather Du Plessis-Allan committed a 'pretty serious offence' - Police Minister - Entertainment - NZ Herald News
I say prosecute her to the full extent of the law. There is no bloody loophole, as she claims. Just because she managed to fluke the Firearms licence (FAL) number does not mean there is a problem with the system. The only issue is that the shop owners cannot verify that the name matches the FAL. They took all steps as far as they could using the systems available to verify that the FAL was valid.
Perhaps there are some miscreants who might use similar tactics to obtain firearms. BUT, those of us who have paid the money, gone thru the due process of character references and Police checks would not consider such a course of action to obtain a firearm. The point she is missing is that just about all violent firearm offences are committed by non FAL holders.
And, of course, now those twats at TV3 have shown everyone how to illegally obtain firearms (those that are not already sourcing them from the black market). Go TV3!!!
I fully support any legal action that will be taken against this reporter (and her employers for condoning such blatantly illegal activity). TV3 must be starving for some real news.
Much like that fucking idiot who published one of the cruder recipes for methamphetamine in the Akl Uni student magazine. Coincedantally it turns out he was completely fried surprise surprise
[QUOTE 8><---
The only issue is that the shop owners cannot verify that the name matches the FAL. They took all steps as far as they could using the systems available to verify that the FAL was valid.
It can be and is done by some on line. When I delt with Aoraki from the feedback I got I am pretty sure they had run my form past their local AO to get it/me verified as legit before they shipped me a boat load of 223, good on them.
On top of that it wouldnt be hard for a gunshop to buildup and hold a register (or get the police to supply it or have a restricted website) of known AOs / signers as a simple and quick cross check. Something as simple as Wellington AO = Mike Cole = AO666. Ditto putting in the FAL licence and getting back the owner's name on a website (but no address).
It isnt rocket science, its dead easy IT stuff that wouldnt cost much to implement like a few thousands of $s.
"I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"
I have a solution to this that I imagine is pretty unpopular - I don't see the issue as being a sales issue, but a shipping one. Shipping firearms to private addresses, specifically.
Easy solution, scrap the police order form entirely, instead of heading to the police station to fill out the form, you head to the police station to show them your license and pick up your firearm, which was shipped there by the seller... would take up a slight amount of police time but would be pretty foolproof.