ok , so I am in chch for a few weeks , went into the guncity here , .... nice big shop friendly enough sales people ... BUT .....a youngish female sales clerk was showing a young guy a trap gun , ... and from behind the counter was aiming into the store (ie at me ) .... now I know its 99% chance its empty .... but I still thought of this forum straight away , ...she then preceded to walk to the far end with the unbroken shotty over her shoulder barrel pointing backwards (into the store again) ...she was also very loud with all her advice , ... and was almost on show .... I believe (imho) that good firearm management should be shown at all times , . good practice is to not point a loaded or unloaded weapon at anyone , ever ... even if some one is just testing eye relief or butt length .. etc ... surely there is a better way . im not delicate ... but gun shops should be 100% professional at all times ....