My point was (and remains so) that it can still be unsafe to accept a firearm from someone who hasn't checked to see whether the action is clear. There is the chance that the firearm is loaded and the unsafe dickhead who hasn't checked it may even have his or her fat little digit wrapped around the trigger when they attempt to hand it to you. They don't have to have the firearm pointing at you to make it an unsafe thing to do as it could be accidentally discharged by said dickhead resulting in someone else being shot apart from the person they're handing the firearm to.
Therein lies the logic of my earlier reply to you that it's not a non issue and the reason why it's mentioned in the Arms code and taught by the Mountain Safety Council.
I was a D.A. range officer for three years and I can tell you had anyone accepted a firearm that hadn't been shown to be clear from another person then both individuals would be severely reprimanded. If I failed to do so then I would get my arse kicked even harder by the other shooters present.
You can never be too safe with firearms.