How do you answer that? I mean, rabbit season spring/summer is a lot higher 'number of rounds of ammo' than the start of duckshooting with a slab... And buying a couple of bricks of .22LR is a quite different beast to a couple of bricks of 7mm Rem Mag or .338LM! Just for something different lets go for a 12g rifled slug setup - now my headache is forming. Next one I can see coming on is the current thing asking people to buy steel safes (that aren't vented and don't comply with HSNO Act) for ammo storage.
well what a cluster f%%^&k could not get into site- real me would not work so had to do rifles over phone - they do not recognize martini action and dont have rolling block or drop block either what a f ^*&k fest
Is it an offence to enter incorrect information into the register???
HHHMMMMMM what happens if you dont store your ammo in the safe itself and its locked awway somewhere else ?
Patience Is A Virtue
the lady I spoke to ( Indian I think ) was really really nice but sadly not experienced in firearms -the system would not recognize a BSA Martini action small bore - single shot yes lever action yes - she was going to discuss with her Supervisor - but now how the hell do I get into the site - will try again tomorrow lol - did not want to know Dads old 303 either a 1901 BSA long tom - Remingtons went straight thru -
Wouldnt it make a great news story. Firearms owners supply incorrect information on register costing the tax payer millions...
Are you familiar with our journalists? I think that would convieniently get left out..