Never heard of an improvement notice. Whats that about?
Never heard of an improvement notice. Whats that about?
Is there a clear path for grey guns to become registered?
I watched a one and a half hour video with the firearm authority doing a presentation and answering questions, this one came up. They said, select one caliber and register it as that. Barrels are not major firearm parts so the register does not need to know about the rest.
five bob says the website will go down within24hrs of opening due to gross overloading!Police HQ youve made your bed ,now you get to lie in it bumps and all.discomfort -suck it upwusses.
I dunno if there will be that big of rush to register, more likely overloaded with queries like we've seen here. Looking at you @BSA Revolvers with different calibre cylinders indeed!!!![]()
Guncity said they have been a lot busier than normal and I assume all the other shops would have been too.
There are always going to be issues with any new implementation but one would assume there is a certain amount OCL already have available as it's a platform they have used elsewhere.
I would be surprised if there were any availability issues once it went live as it will probably have quite a bit of resource behind it however I don't know what they are doing for hosting/data centres.
We will all see from tomorrow onwards I guess
Another problem is seller registers buyer doesnt. Firearm is lost in space somewhere...
the system theyre apparently using is SAP which Im familiar with having used it for 20+yrs whilst working .It was prone periodically to spitting the dummy latterly very flattered by hackers and at that time in that location underwent a phase where "patches"almost became a daily occurrence.given the info i was supplied when speaking with police during the hand in Iwont be holding my breath.
The Biggest Room is the Room for Improvement
To create a "myfirarms" profile I need a cell phone to receive the code they send. No cell coverage where I live so off to town, then I have to come home and print the pdf. Then back to town to the police stn to have my account activated. Lot of milage there. Can only guess someone in Auk or Wellie thought this up. Also hope the person at police stn can do it and not say come back latter!!!
Good luck everyone.