Great, good for you if you've had a good experience. Mine, not so much. The issue is the wishful thinking by office people does not translate to what you experience from the people that arrive to do whatever at the physical end, and the disconnect between the two. Any info that doesn't match or is not right is drama, pure and simple. When it's nothing to do with you as you've done everything correctly but someone else has cocked up, is not much help when you are wearing the attitude problem from someone that should know better and be performing in a more professional manner - but has chosen not to.
There's definitely information on there answering the scenario you posted above I had a look see before posting
I definitely don't have all the answers. Registration certainly wasn't easy for me, I'm just trying to post advice that might help someone out
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Last edited by BRADS; 08-11-2023 at 12:13 PM.
Actually, Tahr I wouldn't say having the incorrect cartridge chambering recorded and being asked to explain when someone comes to inspect is going to be an unlikely thing to happen, it will happen.
Talking to a number of previous E cat holders and pistol shooters the number of them that have had a "please explain" from the inspector when things didn't match was par for the course and several said that if they hadn't kept copies of everything for their records the outcome wouldn't have been the way it was.
If the database can't have the "correct" details entered when they are given over the phone how are you as the owner going to be able to prove you provided the correct details, the police attitude has always been "we are right you are wrong"
I would rather know this is happening so I can make an informed decision about when I comply and hope these irregularities in the database are fixed before I have to comply.
Yeah, the info isn't an explanation as such though - for example, the switch barrel explanation is register the caliber of the barrel fitted at the time of registration... It's a bit of a stretch though if you have a single barrel firearm with a rifle and a shotgun barrel and the thing is wearing the opposite handed barrel at the time of an inspection. "It's a rifle but it's registered as a shotgun - how do you explain this!" is not the discussion I want to be having. Practically we know you just swap the barrels over and hey presto it's correct, but for me this is just shades of the A-cat/E-cat argument with a 7-round vs a higher capacity mag - academic until it comes time to explain it to Mr or Mrs no-ears and bad day...
well if dickheads on an A cat didnt keep putting hi capacity magazines in the plurry rifle...and certain retailers hadnt kept selling the two together with a wink wink wink attitude we wouldnt be having this discussion.
how many folks run a different set of tyres n rims on WOF DAY??? enough that it is an issue... and its no different.
how many folks have 2-3-6 trailers and only one registration /numberplate and wof and simply switch them around depending on what they want to use on the day??? I know of 3 folks who have done so for years.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Well thats not very fit and proper then is it![]()
Different sets of rims and tyres aren't really an issue as you don't end up having to list your tyre brand on the rego form. More likely to be an issue is the chipping and modifying of engines/exhausts to really step up power output and then tweaking suspension etc right up to and past the cert requirements. I dunno about the trailers, most people I know rego the trailer for sod all and forget the WOF! Get pulled up for being out of WOF for the trailer for X number of years and it's like Oh yeah - um. Yeah right mate...
Lets not mention the diesels with magic odo switches then. Most of the modern gear can't be done without interrupting the ECU as they record distance travelled for all of the service and warranty requirements, so it's immediately obvious whats going on. Bugger hey?
The hi-cap mags was a bit of a hard one, really was there any difference to connecting mags and just flipping them over or the old competition speedloader setups for shotguns or even stripper clips? If you followed the law there was never an issue - even if there were retailers skirting the system (personally never experienced a retailer selling Ecat firearms who had a stock of hicap mags on the floor - most people got their mags privately or via Trademe after buying a legit A-cat firearm and floated around the restriction that way). As soon as the licensing system went to the pack, that's when the issues started and it followed on from there. The issue now isn't the fact you have switch barrel firearms - it's with the attitude that some people who should know better turn up with come interaction time when they appear to have the belief that there is no such thing as "fit and proper" just people they haven't caught yet.
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Peter Baird had the same attitude at the meeting I was at in Dunedin, he intimated all pistol clubs were acting illegally and that when the act comes up for review the police will want to have the 7 days notice removed so they can just walk in and catch everyone doing things illegally, and that also included visiting licensed firearms owners.
He had the attitude that everyone is a criminal they just haven't been caught yet.
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc