Oh boy could I tell you a current story that I am embroiled in (refer to my last post in the “Things you hate” thread). I will expand on it when I have prevailed but suffice it to say that I am not happy and using your vernacular the wee spotty Herbert’s that are all of the adjectives I used in that post are learning their pedigree from a master wordsmith.
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
yes one of my favourites occurred ewhen i was nursing .got bailed up by a wet behind the bloody ears spotty herbert manager who had the fucking effrontery to ask when i was going to retire .
Richard cranium struck me at the wrong moment "listen here lad I had a registered nurses uniform on and was working here when you ,yes you were nought but a grubby thought in your old mans head!"
he fluffed up like a gay budgie on styeroids and marched off .later heard hed complin ed to a mate of mine but got no sympathy ,simply told dont go near him cause the choke barrel may be even worse for you .
thank fuck it saw the light and shortly after inflicted itself on aussie!
The detailed spreadsheet is exactly the way, but don't send it to them, the will just say NO like @Rushy has said.
Instead, make yourself a cuppa coffee, get a couple of chocolate biscuits, then phone them and dictate the list to them. It's that easy!
About 24 hours after that go online and look at the information to make sure it is correct.
Also remember, after all that, you have to personally go to the police station to VALIDATE you're registration. Take two or three type of photo ID and a current power bill to verify that you still live at that address. Then go to a Cafe and have a coffee and donut! You've learnt it!
Well was talking to nice fella today up side of a mountain and mentioned something I firmly believe we as a nation LOST when the old register got canned... We lost two good,positive interactions per purchase,with police. I vividly recall going with dad to get permit to procure?? Then to sports shop to get gun,then back to see nice man in blue again. That was possibly fourtyfive years ago and one of MY first interactions with police. Online may be all fandangled fancy but face to face is better and more positive. We have bugger all good,positive interactions with each other anymore and that saddens me somewhat.
75/15/10 black powder matters
I couldn't concur more Micky Duck..... We have almost zero interaction these days. Everything's done online or if its not, its self service at the checkout, self service at the petrol Pump, hell, we can't even bank our own cash anymore. It has to be done at a hole in the wall. Paywave can be done without any eye contact. I lament life as it was in my generation.
to others thanks for the advice .
SVT40 do you have any contact details for whose running this trial ?
and now to the corksoaker extraordinaire moment for this validation crap .
if your FAL details are part of the register whats to stop em accessing the relevant section to police system to verify or again is that too simple????????
all this real me crap -FFSwho do they think i am donald bloody trump.
I visited the local constabulary this morning to verify my license to get access to my firearms list online.
The lady behind the counter made comment " I don't even know why they have to do this. Real Me verifies everything at the start"
Coz we do, coz we do...
I believe that it is to do with the fact that the local man views the form and puts a stamp on it, which means that the form is then 'verified' and I'm assuming that the person at the station then takes the form and sends it through internal mail down to Wellington - I guess it's a way that they can say that the 'right' person was approved to have access to the system. A JP signature does the same thing though in regards to verifying the form and person are the same subject matter?
Due to a purchase I had an activating event so had to register everything
As others have said, the user interface is about as intuitive as a wombat's arsehole and I had to ring up for several items they had never heard of before but relatively easy in the end
I still don't trust them as far as I can spit but I obey the law