We all know or at least we should that license renewal is a triggering event. So what is the situation where you are keeping in storage another fal holders guns when they've been overseas for 2 years and aren't due back for another 18 months. They came into you storage before the registry became law. I've read the act but can't find anything except reference to one month away from their primary storage
Also if they go on my license am I considered the legal owner
Basically what Striker said. The system will not see it any differently to a scenario where someone bought a firearm privately three years ago and the previous owner now lets their license expire.
Legal ownership and legal responsibility can be thought of as two different things. While old mate has gone overseas and the firearms are in your safe, you have legal responsibility, custodianship essentially. For the purposes of the act, we can say ‘they are in your possession’.
Legal ownership in the sense that we are discussing, is more about whether or not someone has a monetary interest in the firearms. Your mate could make the argument that he has such an interest, but that dynamic is abstract to whose safe they are stored in and who can legally possess them in the event he does not renew.
You’ll be required to register all firearms in your possession, including those ones. The register wouldn’t really be an indication of legal ownership, but it likely counts as legal responsibility.
I had a similar situation, and just registered his firearms at the same time as my own, then did a bulk registry transfer once he was back in the country.
This has likely been covered before. I've tried setting up a real me account, but I keep getting an "unable to process error", so I'm thinking, for the sake of only 2 firearms, that it may be less hassle to just do it over the phone. What think ye?
What a fuckfest this POS govt IT system is. Enter details, so far so good.
Find match just push this button, ok
Holy fuck ...... How am I supposed to know which one of up to 8 different 8digit/letter codes that bear no resemblance to any manufuctuers codes or models?
Pisses me off to think my taxes pay for this shit.
They had a description of the firearm when I registered mine. Didn’t need the 8 digit code at all.
I had to ask what each number with the model meant turns out it means how many rounds the mag holds. I found nowhere where this had been explained at the time.
Happy Jack.
Yeah, I had to use the power of online venting/ranting to figure that out. Was pretty simple once I sussed that Be nice if they explained that, probably be able to make a few public servants(?) redundant if they did. Wanted to hold off doing that shit but needed a new rifle more.
No doubt this has been covered previously, and as I'm not going back to re-read all the earlier pages, but any details entered or changed over the phone will initially be logged as unverified, and may not be visible to you or updated until such time as your MyFirearms account has been Verified, details here:
For security reasons, you can only access some information online through a validated MyFirearms account – for example, which arms items you have registered.
This is in addition and a subsequent step to having set up a RealMe profile to first get account access.
I had found various Ackley chamberings and military Mauser variants were missing, so I entered the closest cartridge and rifle option available when initially setting things up — as per the advice received, and then later assisted over the phone to have these more obscure entries added to the pull-down option lists, and my registered items corrected. My initial entries remained for weeks until I realised they would stay that way when viewing with my access rights at the time until the account was verified.
I want to make it clear that I have never owned or fired a rifle chambered in .270Win. Thankfully the registry folk were seeing the updated entries immediately however, so this embarrassing falsehood was only of concern to me.
Would be nice to know that though wouldn't it - in so far that the records that FSA/Police etc are seeing are different to what you can see by logging in. Not really reassuring that there would seem to be multiple versions of records that only people with certain privileges can see 'their' records so that you could be looking at something totally different to someone on the other end of the phone and arguing for no reason... Yeesh.