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Thread: Want to avoid jail - 900m close to a dwelling

  1. #31
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowsol View Post
    If all else fails - especially the current wait to get a licence since you might be waiting over 12months... Alternative - buy a crossbow - no licence required - no noise - short learning curve - perfectly legal as long as you don't shoot towards your neighbors property. They are considered an offensive weapon so you must have reason to have it / use it etc but pest control and target practice cover that so safe use and your neighbor cant do anything about it whilst you wait for your firearms licence.
    While that is a solution of sorts its a pretty shitty solution to a problem that shouldn't exist.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    While that is a solution of sorts its a pretty shitty solution to a problem that shouldn't exist.
    100% - but if OP is thinking of getting a licence he's likey 12 - 18 months from getting one... 9801 in que or some such. In the mean time the crossbow might be a start and it would potentially desensitize the guy next door a little bit too - I would still be applying for my licence.

    I'm waiting for my renewal so will be bow hunting this roar... suggested cross bow in this instance for the shorter learning curve
    veitnamcam and dannyb like this.

  3. #33
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    your neighbour probably voted for Jazz cinderrr...
    outlander and DeloreanDMC1982 like this.
    God only made a few perfect people, the rest shoot Right Handed...

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowsol View Post
    He could complain because your use of a firearm annoys him - however:

    a) never shoot in the direction of his boundary thus preventing endangering him / his property.
    b) Use a suppressed 22lr with subsonic ammo - this will be extremely quiet so that removes noise complaints, don't be flashy with it or set up a plinking target near his boundary so he's less likely to see it.

    He could still complain that it scares or annoys him - however you have taken all relevant precautions with regards to safety, and mitigating any effect (noise) on him - if he complains from there it should be thrown out as it is a normal activity in a rural setting, pest control is an essential part of rural living. Hell he wouldn't get on to well in my area - especially in a couple of weeks when a lot of the ponds around us will sound like a warzone.

    note - I wouldnt recommend a 22lr for goats, pretty inhumane with such a small margin for error on shot placement.
    Without reasonable excuse, discharges a firearm, airgun, pistol, or restricted weapon in or near a dwellinghouse or a public place so as to—

    I think if you have a reasonable excuse and not shooting just to annoy or endanger then you will be ok.
    JessicaChen and mimms2 like this.
    Remember the 7 “P”s; Pryor Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

  5. #35
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    As mentioned earlier,

    Arms legislation act 2020. section 75.

    No mention of distances the two keep conditions are

    (a) endanger property; or
    (b) endanger, annoy, or frighten any person.

    I believe it used to say to intentionally annoy, frighten any person. A place i shoot at has a neighbor who complains to police about the shooting.
    In the end the police came around, checked both properties, the direction where shooting was happening and told him to stop calling as its safe, and they are in a rual area so you have to expect shooting.
    He kept calling and they told him if they call again its harassment and they will look at charging him.

    To annoy or frighten is very subjective. How leglistation can have subjective and not measured facts is quite annoying and leaves situations open to press charges when needed. More than likely at someone who is generally lawful expense.

    As others have said.
    I would notify the police before hand.
    Make sure you are not shooting in the direction of their property.
    And do not shoot close to their property. "near" is subjective. whats near for a firearm 100m 200m? 500m. is a 22 at 50m okay but a 308 not?

    most interactions with police i have had as long as you are polite and respectful and not get wound up you come out the other side okay.
    So if they do turn up to question you.
    Keep calm, be polite, explain the situation and what you found in the legislation and you are complying with the legislation.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nugget connaisseur View Post
    As mentioned earlier,

    Arms legislation act 2020. section 75.

    No mention of distances the two keep conditions are

    (a) endanger property; or
    (b) endanger, annoy, or frighten any person.

    I believe it used to say to intentionally annoy, frighten any person. A place i shoot at has a neighbor who complains to police about the shooting.
    In the end the police came around, checked both properties, the direction where shooting was happening and told him to stop calling as its safe, and they are in a rual area so you have to expect shooting.
    He kept calling and they told him if they call again its harassment and they will look at charging him.

    To annoy or frighten is very subjective. How leglistation can have subjective and not measured facts is quite annoying and leaves situations open to press charges when needed. More than likely at someone who is generally lawful expense.

    As others have said.
    I would notify the police before hand.
    Make sure you are not shooting in the direction of their property.
    And do not shoot close to their property. "near" is subjective. whats near for a firearm 100m 200m? 500m. is a 22 at 50m okay but a 308 not?

    most interactions with police i have had as long as you are polite and respectful and not get wound up you come out the other side okay.
    So if they do turn up to question you.
    Keep calm, be polite, explain the situation and what you found in the legislation and you are complying with the legislation.
    Not the way some think but you’re spot on!
    ‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spudattack View Post
    Except that the onus would be on him to prove that your intent was to annoy him. Pest control, target practice, recreation are all valid excuses, especially if you can prove that you have taken steps to reduce noise ie suppressed .22 with subsonic and are doing it safely.

    I would definitely ring your AO and get his advice though.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    All good, but I just wouldn't give him the thread to start pulling on. Let the neighbor put in the effort and do his own research if he feels so strongly.
    Spudattack and outlander like this.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finnwolf View Post
    Not the way some think but you’re spot on!
    Learned the hard way in my late teens / early twentys. Had two polar opposite experiences. One where i was in the right and cops made it difficult. The other was Where i was way way in the wrong and got off pretty lightly all things considering.

    My brother was always in trouble with the law, Every officer here probably knew him by name and face. Me never been in trouble or had any dealing with the police. Got pulled over in a "boyracer" hot hatch. 11pm. all Wof, rego cert, Breath test name and address into here. *beep* Zero alcohol. "you are free to go" He starts walking back to the car. Name clicks, walks back asks if i'm any relation to *brothers name* yeah he's my brother.
    Cop then proceeds' to check the car height and has a closer look at tires, wants bonnet popped to look and see if it all matches the cert.
    I blew a fuse. Swore at him and lots of names. All because he had no problem with me and now because of my brother hes checking everything and treating me as if im a criminal. Ended up on the side of the road for over a hour while he power tripped, threatened to be arrested for disorderly behavior and radioed for someone else to come look at my car. Making the wait even long. While everything i said was true. Just wrong way of approaching the situation.

    Not long after did a runner on a 750cc sportbike as didn't have a bike license at the time and was going 140 in a 80 zone. Bike ended up braking down and him catching up to me. Asked bunch questions, i was calm polite and told the truth on everything. He went back to his car came back after what felt like forever. "everything you are telling me is true" my reply, yeah i did something stupid and got caught not going to lie about it now. He could of taken my license on the spot, sent me to court for doing a runner and a few other things. I got about 70 demerits and just over 1000 dollars in fines and kept my license. Considering i needed my license for my minimum wage job that was the lifesaver. It sucked paying that off at 40 bucks a week for what felt like forever.
    Sold the bike not long after finishing paying off the fines. Luckily most of us grow up eh.

    So yeah, how you approach things defiantly has a sway on the outcome.
    Steve123 and XR500 like this.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by mimms2 View Post
    Some people are just bred complainers. Personally I reckon stack em in town with their fucking cats and leave the proper country to proper men.
    timattalon likes this.

  10. #40
    MSL is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by mimms2 View Post
    I had the police round once, A house I was renting was apparently formally occupied by gang members. (Neighbour would surely know this wasn't current case)
    Whiney neighbour (who I'd tried to meet but never seemed to be home) got the armed responders out of an evening. Cops turned up with all the toys, had a chat, checked my safe, checked my shooting area... went and gave HIM a talking to.
    We're talking rural. I mean, I could have probably shot him from the top of my roof with a gentle mortar shot, but no way or how was he in the firing zone.

    Some people are just bred complainers. Personally I reckon stack em in town with their fucking cats and leave the proper country to proper men.
    Fucken aye!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #41
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    After a chat with some friends.
    You would also want to consider the ongoing relationship with your neighbour.
    Are you just going to say flag him and do what you want and is your right. Maybe openly or more stealthily.
    Or try talk to him again and maybe discuss some of these things.
    Ask what his concerns are, how can you alleviate those concerns?
    Show him the legislation and that it doesnt mention 900m at all.
    Inform him thst you will only be shooting in safe directions and never towards his house.
    Maybe you could use Supressor for noise.
    Will call him when you are going to go shooting help or make the problem worse.

    If you can work it out between you and have things not go sour that would be the best outcome. Especially if it avoids the police to begin with.
    hamsav and Micky Duck like this.

  12. #42
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    Mate has that same issue in DairyFlat area a few months back. Had the boys turn up the on one occasion. Check his license and off they went. One bunny loving neighbor while he can take up to a dozen in an evening.

    I also used to shoot on a city fringe farm, (subdivision encroachment). As above talked with arms office and away I went. He gave me a few hints and I did try and stay away from that side of the farm. Was a fair few years back now as I used to ride my road bike to the farm with the rifle on my back (in a bag) some times. Hamilton.

  13. #43
    MB is offline
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    I've stopped shooting on a couple of lifestyle blocks now. 22LR/rabbits. It's got too built up and attitudes have changed. Not worth the hassle. Rabbit population is booming!

  14. #44
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    so......are we all turning up to your place for the week prior to, and after Guy Fawkes? I would love to so take the piss out of a whiney little prick, Guy Fawkes every bloody night for a fortnight!
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  15. #45
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    Back in the early 2000's when I still did the Alex easter bunny hunt we had an interesting instruction by a farmer.
    They had sold the farm house that was usually used by farm workers. It had been bought as a holiday home by some townies who were incidentally down for that weekend.
    As he was telling us that one of our guys was trying to clarify the situation by saying that if we saw any rabbits across the road while were were spotlighting, to leave them alone. We used shotguns not silenced 22s.
    Farmer responded with " bugger them, this is what we have to do down here on the farm. They had better get used to it". I cant remember if he was going to go and tell them about it but I seem to remember we we still a bit wary of it anyway. We slowed down as we drove past that house all night and didnt wave the spotlights around so even if there was a rabbit there we werent going to see it anyway.
    Sounded like too much trouble to us.
    No doubt they would have head the shotguns going off around the farm at times but not close enough to be in trouble for.
    With the police being very involved in that event, anything that resembled a stupid complaint wouldnt get very far



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