This is a question I have been thinking about lately. So a lot of us love our sport and some of us are prepared to take a newbie out and more often than not they will not have a fal. That should leave you with 2 possibly 3 people and 1 firearm and 1 person with a fal if your following the rules. I have been thinking lately maybe because of age and how the body starts/can do unexpected things, what would your procedure be or do you even have one should something bad happen stroke, heart attack or something else happens where you find yourself in a situation where you aren't in full control of the firearm? What I have come up with is this, Firstly people I take out are sensible pretty self sufficient people. Before the hunt it would be an Idea to have a good talk on the terrain you'll be in what they need to bring. Lastly a talk on this is what you need to do should something happen If I become incapacitated and cant control the firearm, My idea in a less than ideal situation would be go over a drill with them a few times on how to disable the firearm and make it safe. They should already know how to do it but in a bad situation might panic and forget what to do. Firstly if for some reason the bolt is closed on the firearm show them how to lift the bolt open and check the chamber then show them how to remove the bolt then remove the magazine or remove rounds from the rifle stash the bolt mag and ammo in my pack then maybe lay the rifle under me so kind of technically Im in possession of the rifle. If your carrying a plb this has probably been activated if you don't have one(no lectures required on how everyone should carry one. start your own thread if you want to discuss it) mark the spot on a GPS or phone and go for help. Any thoughts on this type of situation