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Thread: What I got from gunstuff as an email, police looking to charge for paperwork

  1. #16
    5.56 AzumitH's Avatar
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    If they charged me $30 for an import permit that was guaranteed to be approved the wads of cash would be coming at them too fast to catch.

  2. #17
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by outdoorlad View Post
    Well if they had left them as life time licences they wouldn't have all this extra work!
    Life time licences were never going to work and just as well too for the benefit of all of us. Take for example someone who has a FAL and who develops a psychiatric disorder and the police aren't notified. At least the ten year renewal system has some chance of catching up with the issue at the spouse, partner or next of kin's interview. Also, there is a lot of firearm storage out there that needs upgraded security and this will be picked up with the renewal application. We don't need more criminals with stolen firearms.

    The cost of a FAL application and subsequent issue is peanuts in NZ and a lot of work goes into it backstage. I doubt very much whether the fee charged covers half the administration and vetting costs involved. As you know, new firearms applicants have to attend the Mountain Safety Council lecture and pass the Firearms Code test. The running of the MSC is done by volunteers and lets be grateful it is.

  3. #18
    Shootin the breeze.... Survy's Avatar
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    10 ring & kscott have hit the nail on the head with this one.

    Yes it is going to be a user pay system. And the vetting costs currently charged outweigh the amount of administration that goes into it.

    Times are changing and we need to change with them.

    blatant attempt at cost recovery ? Seriously - it's the cost of business these days.
    Tertle likes this.
    Grouchy Smurf had it right all along...

  4. #19
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    The thing I am not happy about is a) getting it done efficiently but also the hourly rate. ie this is seen as a profit centre and not a cost to be met. I expect for instance that gun cabinet inspections/visits re going to add $100+ to the licence alone. As an example the WCC (wellington city council) charges a woping fee for inspectors, way above their hourly rate and they take zero legal responsibility. Oh and another when we went to 10 yr driving licences the Govn wanted to charge $100 and used cheap eye testing machines I think WP objected and got the cost cut to $60. However I for one cant pass the machines so I spend $120 to get a proper optician's opinion my eyes are OK to drive.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  5. #20
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    Yup, at least $100 to a FAL I feel. There's a lot more $$ to an employee than just an hourly rate.

    Budgeting $50/hour for a low/mid level AO, and at least $50/hour to get them to come to your house and inspect. Unless the Police are expecting them to take the bus out

    If the increased cost means a quicker and better service for permits, etc, that may be a good thing. But as always, the devil is in the detail.

  6. #21
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Just deregulate. Cut red tape. Cut cost.

    How much of an import permit fee actually go into the police fund?
    steven likes this.

  7. #22
    Shootin the breeze.... Survy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    Just deregulate. Cut red tape. Cut cost.

    How much of an import permit fee actually go into the police fund?

    It all goes back into the government coffers, they then dish out next years budget to various departments, some get an increase, others less, and then there are the frozen budgets.

    I do agree steven that cost met for services is a good thing. But whatever goes through parliament like most things, will be watered down.
    steven likes this.
    Grouchy Smurf had it right all along...

  8. #23
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Survy View Post

    It all goes back into the government coffers, they then dish out next years budget to various departments, some get an increase, others less, and then there are the frozen budgets.

    I do agree steven that cost met for services is a good thing. But whatever goes through parliament like most things, will be watered down.
    This is where I take issue with it. It is the govt's responsibility to distribute funds. The govt gets money from speeding tickets, court action etc. It doesn't go straight into the police's pocket. So from the sounds of things, the govt isn't allocating enough funds to make the firearms system tick over. Perhaps they could give them a percentage of the money made from infringements. Surely should cover a 10 min job writing out a permit.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    I believe it goes "user pays, and pays, and pays, and pays..............". "User pays" is abbreviated.

    Do they need this money after all the $30 tickets for 1km over the speed limit they gave out?
    So you know how many tickets were actually issued for people 1km over the speed limit ?

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    This is where I take issue with it. It is the govt's responsibility to distribute funds. The govt gets money from speeding tickets, court action etc. It doesn't go straight into the police's pocket. So from the sounds of things, the govt isn't allocating enough funds to make the firearms system tick over. Perhaps they could give them a percentage of the money made from infringements. Surely should cover a 10 min job writing out a permit.
    Yeah but do that and next week the people who walk the Heafy Track will want $$ that was received from FAL owners for track and hut maintenance.

    You're right though, there simply isn't enough resources allocated to the Police to do their job. So either more money needs to go to them, and that has to come from somewhere, or we expect the Police to do more and more, with less.

    Or option C and the organisational requirements for firearms goes to a separate (private) organisation that reports directly to the Police. Which frees up the Police to do other things, but will cost us shitloads more in $$ (as well as open a different can of worms)
    Tertle likes this.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by P38 View Post
    Sounds about right to me.

    Just before Christmas in Hastings they made the Firearms Officers position redundant and laid off the non sworn Staff member who has been doing all the firearms licencing since the 1980's.

    The sworn officer who has picked up these duties has no idea how to perform these duties and it is plain these duties are not his first priority.

    Well that's just great. Hastings Firearms Officer was sharp, and the poor bugger picking up that workload is gonna have a lot to do....

  12. #27
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kscott View Post
    Yeah but do that and next week the people who walk the Heafy Track will want $$ that was received from FAL owners for track and hut maintenance.

    You're right though, there simply isn't enough resources allocated to the Police to do their job. So either more money needs to go to them, and that has to come from somewhere, or we expect the Police to do more and more, with less.

    Or option C and the organisational requirements for firearms goes to a separate (private) organisation that reports directly to the Police. Which frees up the Police to do other things, but will cost us shitloads more in $$ (as well as open a different can of worms)
    I'll do all the permits for free. How's that. Just give me a stamp for my signature.
    steven and seano like this.

  13. #28
    k30 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetroot View Post
    Could someone who's a lot smarter than me make template of a simple submission so we can all easily stick our name on it and send it in?
    Or not work like that?
    Has anyone managed to knock something up yet, I'm keen to submit something and will just edit and reword a template and submit. Unfortunately, don't have lots of time to read through the paperwork.



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