3D printed firearms are on the rise to
3D printed firearms are on the rise to
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
but hold on .TV has us enraptured by programmes like "border security,"a lot of the time giving us the impression that if a flea farts they will find it and deal to it???????what gives.soory got to go and feed my unicorn.
I'm just amazed at the mark up between Mexico and here. If the Cartels apply the same markup to firearms an AR would be setting you back around $50k. Make one wonder why kiwi's are so complacent about being ripped off for everything.
They wouldn't have to mark them up.
Would be like a "but wait there's more...for every ton of drugs you get your choice of 10 free sub machine guns. Pick from Ar15s, Mac 10s or uzis." + postage and packaging of course
Ullrich aluminium wasn't the same family, that was another Ullrich. FG (Fred) produced barbed wire and other product for the army during WW2, at the end of the war he got sent a large cheque so he started Hurricane Wire, later on he sold it but soon regretted it and tried to buy Hurricane back- they wouldn't sell to him. So FG thought stuff it and built Southwire and took Hurricane & Cyclone head on.
Southwire is now Southfence in Hornby, I spent 10yrs in electric fencing with Pel Industries which was right next door to Southwire. FG's son Peter Ullrich was ceo of Pel, after 10yrs there I transferred to Southwire/Southfence for 4yrs before becoming redundant, reason for that was Southfence had been bought out by Eurocorp so I was no longer distribution manager and relegated back to factory work so I said see ya later. FG's other son John Ullrich was ceo of a wire firm in Fiji and in Melbourne, both Peter & John hated each other and weren't communicating. John has 2 sons Mark & someone, both are twins. FG died years ago now, Pel got bought out by Tru Test in Auck whom bought out Cyclone, the Ullrich family never owned Cyclone, that move put Southfence into direct opposition with Cyclone therefore Southfence & Tru Test fell out. This slowly led to Southfence selling everything to Eurocorp whom owns the largest amount of deer/sheep netting machinery and other wire product machinery in the Southern hemisphere. Great firms to work for they were...best job I had for 14yrs, I was well looked after!.
Last edited by Twodiffs; 19-01-2025 at 09:40 AM.
We need the death sentence for drug trafficking and because I’m the one complying with the new firearm laws, extend it to illegal firearm imports.
We are soft cocks, so many lives and families ruined
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Couple of things I’ve heard recently regarding this subject despite what Nash and Cahill say about thefts from LFOs being the Main source many of the guns come in now alongside drug shipments or are illegally manufactured,
The next biggest source is the straw purchasers the police created by giving licences to patched 38 gang members and 1135 501s.
The police admitting that 98-99 percent of all the guns they seized in the course of their work since 2019 had all their serial numbers removed or had been illegally imported or were illegally manufactured
Basically means the register is essentially useless especially if you know how many mistakes they make at data entry time
That XRay truck is driven with a geared electric motor, so it creeps along. Their a system to go between the diesel motor and electric. Well a few years ago, some didn’t disengage the electric and drove off with it connected back through the gearbox, it was doing many thousand of revs it didn’t like. I got the motor to rewind and re bearing. It’s a nice bit of German engineering. To replace the front bearing, I had to remove the pinion gear. It hydraulics off at 50,000 psi. We set it up in the lathe to control it and, using a special hand pump, it broke at 44,000. To put it back, we froze the rotor and gently heated the pinion. It dropped on nicely. What a mission.
Boom, cough,cough,cough
In terms of crooks advertising it reminds me of the Russian darknet drug distribution cartel called Kraken stealing a bus in Moscow, painting it up in their logo with a QR code and leaving it blocking a downtown intersection - note 5 in the Wiki
pic here
I work in people's houses and it's unbelievable how often I see guns lying around and also gun safes with the keys in them or sitting down less than a metre away. Ammo is common too on windowsills, which is a really dumb advertisement for someone snooping around. I think if police did spot checks on random rural gun owners houses about 1 in 20 of them would lose their license at any time.
So I think that's where they get them from, they could import them or 3D print them if they had to but it's easier to just tell some lower down associate to go out burglarizing.
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms